Power Cuts Are For Winter Aren’t They? – Standby Power Planning

A spate of power cuts throughout the country this month poses the question “Are National Grid reserve power levels Improving or getting worse?”.

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UK Government CHP Targets – How Does a CHP Plant Work?

With heat production currently accounting for some 20% of UK carbon emissions, the government’s goal for eight million homes to be connected to district combined heat and power networks by 2030 certainly seems wholly logical.

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When is Generator Rental the Best Option?

A question we are asked a great deal is “When is generator rental the best option?”.

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Press Release: Beyond UK AD & Biogas: Biogas and CHP Trends

With anaerobic digestion plants now powering over a million UK homes, according to Renewable Energy Magazine, and with scores of farmers becoming self-sufficient with their energy supplies, it is little wonder that this year’s UK AD & Biogas 2017 and World Biogas Expo 2017 attracted more visitors than ever.

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New BIM Files For Better Generator Installations

If you require BIM files for your projects, then specifiers and continuous power experts take note: new shentongroup Powerhouse Diesel Generator BIM files are now available for download on BIM Store.

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shentongroup Colleague of the Month June 2017

When you have some well deserved time off work, you should of course be using it constructively, relaxing and enjoying yourself, maybe doing some house work, getting out and enjoying this great weather perhaps.

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Continuous Power for Life Safety Systems

With recent events dominating the media, it is without doubt that more focus will be turned upon public buildings and life safety systems.

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ADE Urges Government to do more for Combined Heat and Power

The Telegraph this week calls on the government to pay more attention to Combined Heat and Power, highlighting how its flagship scheme to secure Britain’s electricity supplies risks missing out on savings of £750m per year by sidelining CHP.

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35th Birthday Jade Celebration of Standby Power, Innovation and Support

Back in 1984, more and more businesses were turning to us to provide them with diesel generators.

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Press Release: UK AD & Biogas 2017 – How does a CHP plant work?

As the global AD/biogas market approaches a worth of £1 trillion, UK AD & Biogas 2017 and World Biogas Expo 2017 are in-line to attract high numbers of individuals and businesses in search of innovative solutions that harness this greener, cheaper and rapidly emerging energy stream.

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Latest News

Friday, May 17, 2024
Shenton Group delve into the advantages and disadvantages of both renting and purchasing a commercial generator, equipping you with the knowledge to make the most cost-effective choice for your unique business needs.
Tuesday, March 05, 2024
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is a form of renewable diesel fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. Unlike traditional biodiesel, HVO undergoes a hydrotreatment process, resulting in a cleaner, high-quality fuel. Find out more about the benefits of HVO?
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Rental generators provide a versatile and efficient solution to a wide range of possible power challenges – this added layer of protection could be the difference between all your business processes being put on hold for an extended period, or a short interruption that is then resolved allowing your business to function as usual.

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