National Grid Turns Attention To Norway Whilst UK Companies Should Turn Theirs to Their Own Continuous Power Supplies

Another National Grid proposal will be debated by ministers in the UK and Norway soon and that is the prospect of linking the UK’s National Grid to Norway via an under-sea cable. Enabling Britain to tap into the prosperous Scandinavian country’s vast supply of green energy, the provision of a multi-billion pound inter-connector would need realising.

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Pub16 – How shentongroup Provides Pubs With Power in the Hour

Considering that beer and pubs contribute some £22bn to the UK GDP and generate £13bn in tax revenue, it’s no wonder that thousands of industry professionals are flocking to Pub16 this week to find out as much as they can about the industry’s innovations, trends, products, services and people.

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Two 1,400kVA Generators Installed For Major Retailer as More Coal Power Stations Close

We’re proud to have just dispatched for install two 1,400 kVA standby generators to a major UK clothing retailer’s large distribution centre. Following extensive testing at our Andover HQ, the large, capable units will protect the business from increasingly probable mains power supply outages.

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From Transitional Arrangements to 2025 – The National Grid and Your Continuous Power Planning

It announced ‘emergency measures’ late last year to ensure that blackouts were avoided, but is the National Grid’s latest announcement of planned ‘Transitional Arrangements’ auctions going to improve matters for 2016 and beyond?

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Andover standby generator firm helps people in crisis

Andover standby generator specialists, shentongroup were visited by Jan Treacher-Evans, Senior community fundraiser for the British Red Cross recently and they presented her with a cheque for £100.

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More Residential Customers Enjoy Worry Free Continuous Power Supplies – Thanks to shentongroup

We’ve spoken a great deal about the very low National Grid power reserves this year.  Although the National Grid has expressed confidence in its management of what has been referred to as ‘emergency measures’, it’s not just organisations that are taking control of their own uninterruptible power supplies.

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Building an Even Better Team for 2016

Here at shentongroup we profess to be the UK’s leading technical experts in standby power, uninterruptible power supplies and combined heat and power systems.

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2016 Industry Support for Specifiers of Combined Heat and Power Systems

As the popularity of Combined Heat and Power increases year-on-year, specifiers are under increasing pressure to ensure that projects adhere to a high set of standards from start to finish.

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Providing Specifiers with the Tools for an Expanding CHP Market

For Immediate Release
Hampshire, UK

Providing Specifiers with the Tools for an Expanding CHP Market

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