Keep your generator in tip top condition

All standby generators should have an annual service contract, which includes a guaranteed rapid response in the event of an emergency as provided by companies such as shentongroup. However as the saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’ and by undertaking some simple checks the end user can go a long way to ensuring that when required, your standby generator will perform ‘first time, every time’. In this article we will look at some of the more common causes of generator failure and the simple checks that can be made to improve reliability. 

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Power up to protect

All retailers hope never to be faced with having to operate their business without electricity but acts of nature, mechanical problems and other emergency situations could result in power failure. The first step in providing power protection is to understand the leading causes of power-related problems. A myth to dispel is that power is perfect. Research carried out on power supply disturbances, conducted throughout Europe shows great differences from place to place and between different types of installations. 

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The unreliability of power

In 2006, thousands of businesses were blacked out in Central London for several hours due to a fault at a power sub-station. In California blackouts were experienced across the State caused by an unprecedented usage of air-conditioning units.

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Combined heat & power is a clean, efficient and economic energy solution

The 21st century has highlighted a need for clean, efficient and economic energy, which has put Combined Heat & Power (CHP) into the limelight. By providing on-site power generation, waste heat recovery and system integration, CHP offers a realistic, near-term solution for exceptional energy efficiency and emission reduction. CHP systems can generate electricity locally while they recover heat to satisfy heating loads in buildings. 

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Fears over future power shortages highlights requirement for standby power and CHP

Britain is facing a future where energy prices are going to escalate and energy sources will become insecure and unreliable according to a recent report from the industry regulator Ofgem. It stated that a combination of a global financial crisis, tough environmental targets, increasing gas import dependency and the closure of ageing power stations are to blame for rising costs and uncertain supplies. 

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Power management – frequently asked questions

These questions are often asked by customers about power management.  The answers given are not intended to be highly scientific but a useful rule of thumb. If you want to be sure and get accurate information about your specific circumstances contact us.

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Generators – frequently asked questions

These questions are often asked by customers looking to protect their power supply.  The answers given are not intended to be highly scientific but a useful rule of thumb and we hope you’ll take them in the spirit intended. If you want to be sure you’ve got it right, ask for a free site survey from one of the shentongroup team – that way you can be safe, not sorry. Remember the answers given may apply only to a shentongroup solution. Not all Generators perform like a Powerhouse®.

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What is combined heat & electrical power?

The concept of cogeneration is all about combined heat and electrical power (CHP).  Unlike a classic power station, where heat produced when making electricity, is wasted into the environment – CHP units collect all this waste heat and use it for something.  This saves fuel which would otherwise need to be used in boilers for producing that heat.

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New website

To further enhance our service to you and bring the quality service we offer to a wider audience, we are working on a new company website.

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Latest News

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Shenton Group delve into the advantages and disadvantages of both renting and purchasing a commercial generator, equipping you with the knowledge to make the most cost-effective choice for your unique business needs.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Rental generators provide a versatile and efficient solution to a wide range of possible power challenges – this added layer of protection could be the difference between all your business processes being put on hold for an extended period, or a short interruption that is then resolved allowing your business to function as usual.

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