Shenton Group’s Latest Rental Projects

Our reliable rental backup generators have been in high demand in the last few months, with many facilities under greater pressure to ensure their power supplies are secure, while temporary locations requiring power have been installed UK wide to help cope with the impact of COVID-19.

Assisting a Retail Client

As we entered the initial lockdown period, there was considerable strain put on some retailers to cope with the demand of customers buying in bulk, with shelves left empty up and down the UK.

One retail client called us when they had to close the store after they had a leak and power failed. Within 2-3 hours, we had a rental engineer and team leader on-site to arrange a same-day solution, which meant the power was back up and running by 4 pm, allowing the store to open the doors the following day to continue trade.

The retail distribution giant required a 1250kVA temporary generator solution for a month to help them with skyrocketing demand.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, the store was then closed and most of their staff Furloughed. We then downsized the rental generator to a 500kVA as only essentials such as freezers, lights and security cameras needed to be powered. This solution provided fuel and cost savings to the client as the generator is running 24/7.

Generator Rental Solutions for Multiple Sectors

Short and long term hire

Our team are more than happy to find a power solution for a period that suits your needs. We provide rental generators for use on a single day, right through to providing clients with a generator to rent for a few years, and we can support and maintain the generator throughout the rental agreement too.

Shenton Rental Generator Transportation

Assistance for a Care Home

We took a 500kVA rental generator to Richmond Care Villages for a day’s worth of testing. The COVID situation drove the decision to make sure that the care home could backup their whole complex should there be an issue with their mains power supply. Keen to safeguard their residents during the pandemic, they sought our expertise and we were able to help them understand the different solutions on offer, including our emergency power service Power Call, a subscription based services that provides unlimited generator call outs 24/7 at no extra cost. 

The variety of sectors we help extends to the government – having provided a rental generator to a military base in Wiltshire to run their incinerator. Our experience in helping MOD clients also led to us conducting some power continuity testing at the same military facility.

Additional projects have included providing a rental power solution for a hotel in South Milford, supplying them with 1250kVA generator for around a month while they conducted maintenance work on their switchgear. Our team also recently deployed a smaller 30kVA generator for another client for a period of 2 years to provide a power solution for a workshop.

Power Continuity in Times of Uncertainty

First and foremost, the biggest change in the nature of work carried out by Shenton Group has been handling enquiries from temporary hospitals, medical facilities and testing stations throughout the UK.

We continue to maintain, monitor and take responsibility for a number of Generators, UPSs and CHPs on key NHS sites, education campuses, national water boards, and data centres, all regarded as sectors of national importance. This work has now evolved into supporting temporary healthcare facilities too.

Shenton Generators

Many clients, new and old, have also used the lockdown period as a window of opportunity to review their power solutions. The pandemic has resulted in action across some sectors to review their backup power options and has pushed the demand for generator testing and maintenance while staff are off-site. Our team have been out and about putting quotes together for a variety of clients to help them remove ‘reliable power supply’ from their list of concerns.

Moving Forwards

While many outdoor events reliant on generator hire planned for the summer ahead have been cancelled, such as weddings and festivals, other opportunities have come about with more sectors taking power solutions more seriously.

Working with some very large clients on backup power solutions, we have built more relationships with construction contractors, working on huge distribution centre projects for retail and online shopping giants. Our knowledge and expertise in power solutions have potentially opened the door to new and exciting future projects.

During COVID-19, many clients identified Shenton Group as a key supply partner and requested that we remain open and operating. Shenton Group’s engineers have been operating, and continue to operate, around the country on these key sites, albeit in slightly reduced numbers in accordance with the government guidelines.

Get In Touch

No matter which sector you operate in, the power supply is essential, especially at times when there is added strain on the National Grid. Whether you need additional power security during the next few months, or you would like to embrace minimal disruption to your day-to-day operation while staff are off-site, we can help you enhance your power solutions. Call us today.

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Has COVID-19 Impacted Bandwidth Limits?

COVID-19 has forced millions of people to work from home and children to study away from school, which has put additional pressure on bandwidth, (The average rate of data transfer through a communication path, such as phone lines or fibre) and increased the importance of power continuity for data centres.

Openreach (BT) revealed some data about the changes to weekly network traffic in the UK. London saw a jump of 28.58% from a normal working week in February compared to the week commencing 20th April, as published by ISP Review.

The majority of increased network traffic levels occurred during the daytime, with normal levels resuming in the evenings, interestingly still lower than the peaks experienced annually around Christmas time. Openreach, one of the UK’s main connectivity suppliers have stated that they have experienced no issues with coping with the additional workload.

Despite applications such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, Houseparty, Netflix and Amazon Prime used on a daily basis by millions of households, Openreach is not anticipating any bandwidth problems in the weeks and months ahead.

Did Netflix Reduce Streaming Quality?

Back at the beginning of the pandemic, Netflix cut down data consumption to ease internet capacity as more people switched to working from home in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and various other nations, as internet service providers were concerned about the additional volume of traffic. With 11 million subscribers in the UK, the main impact was on the Ultra High Definition customers but there has been very little negative noise from users. By reducing picture quality, Netflix reduced data consumption by 25% easing the pressure on bandwidth in Europe and elsewhere.

Netflix Adjust Bandwidth During COVID-19

Broadband Connections Pushed to the Limit

The BBC, however, reported varying degrees of broadband speeds are making life more difficult for some people across the country who are trying to work, learn or enjoy entertainment.  

In the article, it says ‘In theory, 95% of premises should be able to access superfast broadband but take-up of services remains low.’ With many households on the government Furlough scheme, most are keeping a watchful eye on outgoings.

Video calling services are used to connect many families, friends, colleagues and classrooms, but slow broadband speeds cause audio and picture quality to be poor, demonstrating that there are still issues, especially when families try and use the internet at home simultaneously.

Video Calling Impact on Bandwidth

Why Has My Internet Connectivity Worsened?

A good guide to how many pieces of equipment can run at any one time is to see how many CAT ports are on the back of your router. Most broadband routers only have 4-5 sockets, as this is the limit of how many pieces of equipment can be used at any one time. So if your PC and TV are connected to your router via cable, this leaves you with connectivity for 3 spare devices, after this, you will receive reductions in bandwidth.

Some tips to try to improve bandwidth include:

  • Where possible plug a device in with an Ethernet cable
  • Make sure the router isn’t surrounded by clutter
  • Upgrade your broadband
  • Download films to devices at quieter times when others aren’t online
  • Don’t plug routers in on extension cables

Protecting Data Centres in the Pandemic

Data centre operators fall into the ‘keyworker’ bracket providing vital services to the nation, enabling people to work remotely and provide access to information online.

This increase in the number of people working from home has brought added pressures to data centres to be fully functional around the clock.

Woman Working From Home During COVID-19

It is now more important than ever for datacentres to have a reliable backup power supply in place if the national grid was to go down. Need we be reminded of last years power outage that brought chaos, with big companies paying out millions of pounds in compensation for the disruption caused.

Power security for business continuity has been one of the priorities for Shenton Group during these testing times, safeguarding our clients from blackouts as well as ensuring vital data centre equipment remains operational.

Moving forwards and looking beyond the end of the pandemic, data centre growth is set to continue. Employees have demonstrated the ability to be productive while working from home utilising cloud technology and services such as Microsoft Teams, which will only drive the use of backup systems and IT infrastructure, both reliant on data centres.

Data Centre Power Supply Specialists

We understand that downtime is not an option for sites such as these and have the experience to integrate reliable solutions with no break in your service or power. We have a vast portfolio of data centre projects and can give your organisation confidence that operations can function 24/7 with complete power security.

Do you have a reliable backup power supply?
As specialists in backup and continuous power solutions for Data Centres, Shenton Group are available to assist those looking for standby generators and UPS systems for data centres and overall IT infrastructure.

All of our continuous power solutions are fully supported by our technical team, including ongoing monitoring and maintenance. To find out more about Data Centre solutions and to ensure your power security, get in contact today!

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Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Critical Sectors

In these extraordinary times, Shenton Group continues to provide support 24/7 to organisations operating in critical sectors, such as:

  • Healthcare
  • Food and beverage manufacturing/distribution/retail
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Military and defence
  • Data centres
  • Telecommunication
  • Finance
  • Utility providers
    • Water treatment industry
    • Oil & Gas
    • National Grid

With engineers available nationwide, we remain operational to deliver reliable uninterruptible power supply maintenance and solutions.

UPS Solutions for Critical Sectors

The healthcare industry is hugely reliant on continuous power, perhaps now more than ever. With the introduction of temporary new medical facilities throughout the UK, there is a growing demand for reliable power solutions and industry expertise.

Shenton Group already services a number of clients with UPS solutions across the UK at healthcare facilities, including hospitals, providing support for intensive care units, life support systems, communication centres and operating theatres to ensure power systems remain protected.  

Our experienced engineers have designed bespoke healthcare systems incorporating generators and uninterruptible power supply systems for NHS Trusts and residential care homes. If you require any support or assistance with UPS solutions, our team are ready and waiting to share their knowledge and expertise.

UPS System Experts

At Shenton Group, our vision is to provide trusted energy solutions, in an unpredictable world. This has never rung more true than at present with the COVID-19 pandemic. We strive to deliver the best possible service to both our current critical sector clients and new ones.

Since 1982, Shenton Group has led the way in providing reliable power solutions. With offices located in Andover, London, Falkirk, Norwich and Leamington Spa and service depots all over the country, our skilled engineers and dedicated support teams specialise in Standby Power, Combined Heat and Power Systems as well as Uninterruptible Power Supplies. Shenton Group provides a turnkey solution from; establishing requirements, design, manufacture, installation and ongoing maintenance.

Some examples of projects where we have provided UPS solutions:

Major UPS and Generator Project for Telecoms Data Hosting Centre

Rapid Replacement UPS System for Hospital Operating Theatre

Recommendation from RAF Lossiemouth

How Does a UPS System Work?

A UPS normally sits between the generator and the critical equipment it is covering, and converts normal AC mains power to DC battery stored energy, before converting it back into stable AC power.

This protects essential equipment from voltage dips and loss of power. In the event of a mains power failure, the energy stored in the UPS battery will run the equipment until a standby generator comes online and takes over. A UPS system is invaluable to power critical environments

Our team of UPS experts continue to provide service to our clients and should you need a UPS solution or any support with a critical power system, we are available to assist.

Why Is Uninterruptible Power so Important for Critical Sectors?

Critical healthcare facilities, sensitive data centres and communication networks can ill-afford any loss in power. The fallout from losing data, vital information or disrupting medical equipment is simply unthinkable, especially in the current climate.

Without a UPS in place, there can be a gap of a few seconds when there is no power whilst the generator starts up, causing untold damage. A UPS system is the bridge between mains power being lost and a backup generator coming online. In the event of power failure, AMF panels will react automatically and activate your generators, but it can be up to 15 seconds until the generators are up to speed and online. UPS systems are the ultimate protection for critical equipment, ensuring your electricity supply experiences zero downtime.

Other benefits of UPS power supply systems include stabilising your power source and preventing disturbances commonly caused by spikes and surges. Our extensive range of UPS solutions are compatible with most standby generator backup power solutions.

UPS Maintenance and Monitoring

Choosing a correct level of cover for your critical power system is every bit as important as the installation. Any form of backup power, generator or UPS system needs regular maintenance in order to be completely reliable at the most critical moments.

Shenton Group offer 24/7; 365 days a year cover for those who operate in critical sectors such as healthcare, data centres and communication facilities. With a Nationwide response team at your disposal, power continuity support plans give access to 24/7 technical help and support, guaranteed response times and any maintenance is provided up to manufacturers standards.  

Is Your Organisation Struggling to Operate During COVID-19?

We have recently launched a COVID-19 Support Service offering a centralised procurement and distribution service. This is different from our core offering and is to support understaffed organisations in this stressful time to operate efficiently. Whatever product or service you are sourcing, we can help.

E.g. if you are calling about your UPS system but also need to source hand sanitiser, let us know. We have the resources to support you. For more information, please visit our website.

If you require any support with a power solution, generator or UPS system in the current challenging circumstances, speak to our team of experts.

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Enjoy the Financial Rewards of a Quality Assured CHP System

A CHPQA (Combined Heat & Power Quality Assurance) quality mark will assist your organisation in getting the most out of your system financially, as a ‘Good Quality CHP’ qualifies your company for a range of incentives. We have outlined some of the CHP benefits and answered some frequently asked questions below.

What is the CHPQA?

To certify the quality of CHP systems in the UK, the government launched an initiative for assessing combined heat and power systems, which falls in line with the requirements of the EU Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency. The scheme measures the efficiency and environmental performance of Combined Heat & Power systems, and a ‘Good Quality CHP’ classification opens up financial rewards.

Do you qualify for Combined Heat & Power Quality Assurance?

Combined Heat & Power Systems are often referred to as ‘schemes’. Find a list below of some basic criteria for those CHP schemes that qualify for CHPQA.

Simple Scheme Qualification

  • Generating capacity < 2 MWe
  • Single reciprocating engine
  • Single conventional fuel used
  • Heat recovery with no waste heat rejection

Complex Schemes

• Generating capacity equal to or greater than 2 MWe
• Prime mover, not a single reciprocating engine
• Non-conventional fuel used
• Certain Boiler(s) included within the scheme boundary

An Annual Process to Maintain Your CHP Quality Mark

To obtain CHPQA there is a self-assessment process, which can vary depending on the complexity of the CHP scheme. You must complete this process once a year to ensure each CHP scheme is still effective.

As long as your site and CHP meet the requirements, and the CHPQA application is submitted correctly you should meet the criteria with no issues. However, they can be a little complicated for the untrained eye, and that’s why Shenton Group offers assistance with the CHPQA process and provides guidance to ensure it is done properly.

4 Tips to Make Sure You Obtain or Retain CHPQA

  1. Accurate Planning. New CHP schemes must be sized properly based upon accurate energy data as failing to do so may result in missing out on obtaining CHPQA, and may also cost you money. Failure to plan properly could lead to a scheme too big to run efficiently, or not large enough to obtain suitable cost savings.
  2. Schedule Regular Maintenance. Regular maintenance will enable your CHP system to run efficiently, ensuring the best ROI. As the UK’s sole provider of TEDOM CHP units, Shenton Group are the experts in CHP and can support you in looking after your system.
  3. Recording Usage. Metering and sub-metering of the fuel used and the heat & electricity produced by your CHP will not only help you keep a tab on the efficiency of your system, but the use of accurate MID certified metering is a requirement of CHPQA. Without these measurements, obtaining a certificate is not possible.
  4. Be Certain That CHP Is Principal Provider. Your CHP system needs to be the main provider of your heat.

Avoid the Rising CCL Rates with CHPQA

(Climate Change Levy) CCL is an environmental tax on electricity, gas and solid fuels. The logic behind it is to push businesses and organisations to choose more energy-efficient methods to power their operations.

The CCL rate for gas fuel will be increasing in 2021, to be as much as 60% of the CLL rate for electricity. This makes CCL exemption very attractive for businesses. Unless you are a charity or a huge energy user, the likelihood is you will be liable to pay this tax, but CHP systems can reduce your environmental tax bill.

CHP schemes that obtain ‘Good Quality CHP’ status are exempt from CCL payments on the gas they use to generate their power.

Other Financial Incentives

CHP benefits extend to financial reasons too. Organisations with ‘Good Quality’ CHP can benefit from enhanced business rates. Depending on your location, Shenton Group can help you investigate this avenue at the planning stage.

Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) – You can claim AIA on most plant and machinery up to the AIA amount. The AIA amount has temporarily increased to £1 million between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2020.

Shenton Group CHP Specialists

Shenton Group is the market leader in the supply, installation and maintenance of CHP units and the sole distributor of the TEDOM Combined Heat & Power range. Our level of expertise allows us to advise and oversee the whole CHP process for your organisation, from concept to delivery and ongoing maintenance. Speak to us about CHP benefits and get insight into whether it is a suitable solution for your organisation.

Get in contact today. We can help you obtain CHPQA certification and you can enjoy the full benefits of your CHP scheme.

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Will the Coronavirus Have an Impact on the Energy Network?

The self-isolation measures in place due to the Coronavirus outbreak mean that many people will be set up to work from home, which may put more pressure on our energy networks and our power supplies.

Demands on our Critical Infrastructure

Despite the challenges that arise due to the Coronavirus, many businesses will continue to operate to their best ability in these unusual circumstances. This will involve many employees working from home rather than sharing large communal office spaces.

Homeworking does increase the demand for our energy networks compared to the normal requirements of workers using office areas, where both heating and electricity come from shared supplies. However, energy suppliers such as Scottish Power “point out that it is not that much different to Christmas time when most of the population takes a couple of days off”*. A period of working from home should be manageable but with the uncertainty of how long this remote way of working will be recommended, it could put a strain on telecommunication centres and other energy suppliers.

*BBC News Scotland

Lessons from Europe

In Germany, the association of local utilities (VKU) stated that the ‘Energy supply currently is neither in danger nor impaired’.** Grid operators are taking the same precautions as advised for any employee in order to minimise the infection risk, without compromising the service levels provided.

**Clean Energy Wire

In addition, the shutdown of sporting events, mass gatherings, social events, pubs, bars and cinemas will also equate to less power used on the continent, with similar measures coming into force in the UK. Manufacturing is also likely to be scaled back and even halted as businesses look to minimise the risk of their employees becoming unwell.

Energy & Communication More Important Than Ever

Nationally the country will need to work collaboratively to contain the pandemic and both power and internet connectivity will be relied upon to enable people to work and operate remotely in isolation. Businesses will depend on the power networks to continue providing a service and to remain connected and informed of any internal updates.  

Constant power supplies for hospitals and healthcare locations will be imperative and Shenton Group will remain operational in order to support all of our customers, no matter which sector they operate in.

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4 Sectors Who Rely On UPS Systems

Sectors who rely upon continuous power and simply cannot afford to have a power outage include Healthcare, Military, Telecoms and Finance.  Fortunately, there is a solution for all of them and that is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

A UPS system will support your equipment until your generator takes over, or the mains supply is restored, meaning no drop in power and no harm done.

Throughout our 38 years of trading, Shenton Group has installed uninterruptible power systems for a variety of clients working across an array of industries. The one common denominator is that they are looking for expertise in continuous power.

What is an Uninterruptible Power Supply?

An uninterruptible power supply provides instantaneous backup power during a loss of power supply. Computers or equipment can then be shut down safely, or switched over to power supplied by a generator.

Protecting Power Supplies in the Healthcare Industry

Operating theatres and essential hospital equipment require the support of a UPS to ensure there is no drop in power in the event of mains power failure.

Without the protection that a UPS provides, lifesaving operations would be put in jeopardy, scheduled scans of patients would be brought to a halt and treatment of sick patients delayed. Power solutions for healthcare facilities must also adhere to strict and specific regulations, which is especially important for operating theatres and hospital scanning equipment.

Healthcare Sector UPS

Read how we provided a major UK private hospital group with a truly uninterruptible power supply solution, to ensure they can remain operational at all times in order to provide the best possible level of care.

Business Continuity in the Finance Sector

All financial organisations require continuous power to ensure that all business systems remain operational in the event of a mains power failure. The financial sector is reliant on huge levels of computing power to trade, react to the markets and to provide customers with access to their personal information and banking details around the clock.

Finance is a sensitive sector with an emphasis on minimal downtime as even the smallest technical hitch can disrupt thousands of daily customers and any damage to hardware could potentially result in data loss. Financial companies need to keep data secure as a priority. Any power issues could potentially lead to a loss of business as doubts may creep in around a financial institutions ability safeguard personal data.

At Shenton Group, we support financial clients such as the Bank of Cyprus UK, with an uninterruptible power supply to ensure they can continue to function at all times ensuring their security, lighting, communications, customer services and data integrity are all protected.

Eliminating Risk in Telecoms

While backup power is essential for the world of telecoms, it is an industry that also requires clean and reliable power. UPS systems not only ensure around-the-clock power, but they also protect expensive equipment from any fluctuations that can cause outages and damage equipment. A UPS system will reduce risk levels and loss of income and ensure you can provide a reliable service 24/7.

Over the decades, we have helped numerous telecoms companies of varying sizes, and have experience in the construction of a large scale continuous power projects.

Telecoms UPS

Safeguarding the Military from Power Outages

The military often operates out of remote locations where a continuous power supply can be difficult to secure. It would be unthinkable for the military to be without power for their communications and facilities, as this could have massive consequences for national security.

We pride ourselves in ensuring MOD have a secure and consistent power supply. Since an original back-up power installation off the coast of Portsmouth, our trained engineers have maintained their 22 UPS systems, some of which sit in a remote location only accessible by boat.

For the military or any government facility, there is never a time when a power outage is acceptable, which is why a reliable UPS system is pivotal.

UPS for Government

Other Sectors That Need Continuous Power

Aside from the four sectors, we have outlined, UPS systems can be essential for other sectors where uninterrupted power is required.

Security Systems

Power is vital in the world of security, meaning that CCTV, access control, alarms and motion sensors remain up and running to protect premises throughout the UK.

A prison, for example, is a prime example where power is paramount in the interest of security to ensure automated doors, key control systems and the like remain watertight for the safety of both inmates and prison staff.

Sports Stadiums and Event Venues

Major sporting events, leisure complexes, cinemas and festivals all use vast amounts of power for equipment and lighting, without this, there could be huge financial losses to cover. A resilient power solution is crucial to cover everything from lighting, broadcasting equipment, CCTV and everything in between. Having a reliable contingency power solution will ensure the show goes on without a hitch.

Contact Us about a UPS System

Shenton Group specialises in providing uninterruptable power supply solutions to a variety of sectors. We offer a FREE review of your facilities and provide clear guidance to ensure you get the perfect continuous power solution specific for your needs. Why not give us a call today?

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Diesel Generator Maintenance and Hire Options

Shenton Group has over thirty years’ experience in providing customers from an array of sectors with diesel-powered solutions to ensure they can continue to operate even when the mains power supply fails.

We manufacture diesel HV & LV generators, ranging from 10kVA to 3200kVA, and provide an end-to-end service from design to final commissioning. Ongoing assistance is available from our team of dedicated diesel generator maintenance experts.

As well as permanent solutions, we offer Power Call, where customers pay a monthly subscription fee to have our team on call as and when they need a diesel generator or support, without the expense of a permanent generator install.  

Emergency Diesel Generators

Standby emergency generators, such as those used in hospitals and healthcare facilities, provide a backup source of power in the event of a National Grid outage or a power surge. Partnered with a UPS to maintain power while the generator switches on, an emergency diesel generator is essential to ensure that any vital equipment continues to function.

Diesel Generator Fuel Tanks

The majority of generators come with fuel tanks that provide 10 hours run time at 75% load, and Shenton Group can also provide bespoke diesel generator solutions if longer times are required.

Supplying Diesel Generators Since the 1980’s

Shenton Group has been the ‘go to’ provider of diesel generators since the 1980’s, supplying to organisations such as the British Army. We continue to provide a number of Ministry of Defence clients with reliable and trusted power services, including the installation of several diesel generators at RAF Valley.

Thames Water, various Financial Service companies and other prestigious clients have made use of our expertise over the past 35 years.

Diesel Generator Maintenance

Diesel Generator Maintenance

Aside from supplying diesel generators, Shenton Group also provide diesel generator maintenance to keep backup and emergency power generators in prime condition. Planned maintenance is critical to the health of any diesel generator and ensuring you have reliable power when you need it. No matter how remote you are based, we provide UK wide coverage from our thirty service locations.

We offer bespoke maintenance contracts, remote monitoring to ensure your diesel generator is running as it should, generator upgrades, oil or coolant sampling as well as parts and spares.

Load Bank Testing

We offer a complete load bank testing service, which is a controlled test of your backup power generator. Regular testing of standby diesel generators at full electrical load is key to ensure reliable performance during a power outage. We recommend load bank testing at least once a year to ensure reliable performance during any outage.

Our diesel generator maintenance and load bank testing service includes:

  • Site Survey, delivery and positioning of the load bank
  • Site logistics
  • Testing of the generator/ power source
  • Disconnection and removal of the load bank
  • Reconnection to the normal load
  • Detailed results with a full written report

Hire a Diesel Generator

Not every client requires an onsite diesel generator, which is why our extensive rental fleet and dedicated engineers are a great option for planned power downtimes.

Cost Effective Solution for Emergency Power

Do you need to have a better power continuity plan in place? Power Call is the emergency generator call out service. You will receive 24/7 365 days a year access to a backup generator and skilled engineers, without the need to purchase an onsite generator. Our dedicated fleet of generators are available in the event of a prolonged outage and offer your business power security as and when required, with unlimited call outs! Power Call has a national average response time of 100 minutes from notifying us to an engineer arriving on site.

Get the Right Diesel Maintenance Solution

We offer free site surveys to review your site and provide detailed feasibility reports. With any project, a dedicated project manager will see the project through from the detailed design of your power solution to a professional installation. Years of experience, technical expertise and serving a variety of clients ensures you will get the correct diesel generator maintenance solution for your needs.

To discuss any of our diesel generator options, why not give our team a call and we will be happy to assist.

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Emergency Generators – Why Are They So Important?

Many of our clients require continuous power supplies in order to function and meet the regulatory requirements within their industry. Working across so many sectors flags hundreds of reasons as to why emergency generators are required and why they should be well maintained.

The clue is definitely in the name, emergency generators are used when a crisis hits. They should be regularly maintained in order to act as your safety net should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from a blackout.

Emergency generators are an independent source of power that when called upon support your systems in a mains power outage. With this in mind, it is worth considering the value they can bring to your business or property, or in other words, what could be lost if the power went out.

The national grid power outages in August 2019 affected thousands of people and brought businesses and transport to a standstill, this further highlights the need to consider alternative emergency power systems.

Emergency Generators Allow For Continuous Operation

The MOD is a prime example of a client that requires emergency backup generators so that they can maintain operations continually, and it is imperative that they have well maintained backup power systems in case they are called upon. At Shenton Group, we provide comprehensive support to our clients, including the MOD. Scheduled startups and load bank testing are taken care of by our dedicated team, right through to maintenance work on canopies to protect generators from the outdoor elements. Shenton Group provides the full package when it comes to keeping your equipment in full working order.

The MOD are located throughout the UK, often in remote areas. The remote nature of some of these locations further highlights the importance of having well looked after emergency backup resource for occasions when the mains supply is cut off.

Emergency Power Supply MOD

Emergency Power Supply Benefits

Having access to an emergency power supply has countless benefits. It goes without saying that hospitals and healthcare facilities cannot afford to suffer from the consequences of a power outage as essential operating and life-saving equipment requires a constant and reliable source of power. However, other industries can benefit from having emergency backup power.

Data centres and financial institutions are under constant pressure to ensure all business systems function no matter what. The benefits of having an emergency power supply at your premises include the protection of:

  • Security systems
  • Lighting
  • Communications systems
  • Customer services
  • Data integrity
Shenton Group Emergency Backup Power Install

Maintaining Your Emergency Generator

Without looking after your emergency generator, can you rely upon it? Although a back-up generator for the majority of the time sits there dormant, the equipment still needs regular maintenance to ensure reliability when it is needed. Over time batteries can become flat, hoses and connections can perish and fluids level can drop. That’s why it is imperative to keep your backup generator in shipshape condition; as otherwise, it is a redundant asset to own.

Shenton Group provides detailed health checks for emergency generators. We supply remote monitoring, servicing, repairs, maintenance and emergency response. Regularly scheduled maintenance plans are available and work out to be very cost-effective.

Our remote monitoring service allows us to predict and rectify any potential issues, and we even have the ability to start or stop your generator should you require us to do so.

Mobile Emergency Power Systems

Not every client has the budget or the requirements of the MOD or of the Health Care sector, but that does not mean you cannot have a contingency plan for an emergency power supply.

For many, an emergency generator call-out contract is sufficient and will protect them and their operations in the case of a prolonged power outage. Likewise, many of our clients make use of our Power Call service for emergency backup power as they may only lease the property they operate out of, and so, a permanent on-site generator is not suitable. Power Call provides you with guaranteed back-up power for your site, with an average response time of 100mins for a small monthly fee. A monthly contract with Shenton gives businesses access to 24/7 support from our strategically placed locations across the UK.

Reduce Your Risk & Enquire About an Emergency Generator

We have over 30 years of experience when it comes to supplying power solutions to our clients, many of whom have just suffered a power-related emergency where there has been an outage and they have been caught out. Protect your business with an emergency power supply that can allow you to continue to run your facility and operation, or at the very minimum, safely shut down and prevent any damage occurring.

We provide a FREE site survey and can advise you on the best solution so that when faced with a loss of power, you are covered. Get in contact today.

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Power Options Explained – Protect Your Business From Power Outages

Power outages never come at a convenient time, especially for businesses where it can cause huge levels of disruption with work coming to a halt, equipment shutting off and everybody left scratching their head as to what to do next. However, there are solutions to deal with power outages that can meet your exact requirements and fall in line with your budget.

Depending on the industry you operate in, your power security levels can vary. Some businesses can simply not afford any downtime and a power outage would be a total disaster, whereas some other operations can cope with a temporary loss of power.

By getting in touch with a technical expert such as Shenton Group, you can rest assured that the advice and solutions on offer will match your business requirements so that in the event of a loss of power, the disruption will be minimal, or even have no impact on your business at all.

Finding the Right Power Outage Backup System

Consulting our team of experts and getting a FREE site survey will ensure that you receive sound advice from a company who have operated in the world of power solutions for over 30 years. We will take the time to review your facility and setup, as well as answering any questions you may have.

We have helped clients across an abundance of sectors, from retail giants to data centres, providing them with solutions that protect their businesses and properties from power outages. At Shenton Group, we will help you find the correct solution for your requirements. Below we have covered the various solutions on offer.

Shenton Power Solutions

Emergency Call Out Power Solutions

An onsite permanent generator is not always the best solution for businesses where constant power is non-essential. If an outage would cause some level of disruption but nothing critical, there is no need to spend money on a permanent backup system.

The solution recommended for this type of client would be Power Call.

Power Call is a unique emergency generator callout service which has an average response time of just 100 minutes where ever you are based in the UK, Power Call does not prevent power loss, but for a small monthly fee, you will have total round-the-clock support with unlimited emergency call outs for power cuts. This means you have access to reliable back-up power when you need it most.

We appreciate keeping costs down is essential for smaller businesses and facilities such as care homes, and so an on-demand service with 24-hour, 365 days a year cover provides your business with an effective power security solution. 

The next steps for a business where a short power outage is manageable would be to speak to a Shenton Group technical expert. If an average response time of just 100 minutes and unlimited emergency call outs sounds appealing to you, Power Call is the solution you are looking for! Get in contact today for more information or read what our clients think of the service:

Backup Power Solutions – Power Back in Seconds

For businesses that can only accommodate a handful of seconds’ drop in power, such as retail locations, an on-site backup generator is more suitable. While a generator starts up to take the full electrical load, there will be a brief gap when there is no access to power, but things are soon up and running as normal.

We can offer expert technical advice to ensure that you are provided with a generator that will keep commercial properties functioning. Retail, sport and leisure complexes rely on continuous power to ensure that their locations remain operational and so in the event of a mains failure, a backup power supply will kick into life in a matter of seconds to keep tills ringing and customers happy.

For a business that requires a backup power solution with a quick reconnection to a power supply, the next steps would involve a FREE site survey to understand your requirements. We offer a full backup generator service to help alleviate the worries of power outages, including an initial site survey, the design and manufacture of your generator, as well as the install, testing and future maintenance of it.

Backup Power Generator On Site

UPS Systems for Critical Power Supplies – Continuous Power

For some businesses, there can never be a drop in power. An outage is simply not an option.

As industry-leading technical experts, we pride ourselves on working with clients who cannot afford to be hit by any form of power outage, which is why we offer uninterruptible power supply solutions, perfect for businesses and facilities where power is critical.

Without a UPS, there is a delay while the backup generator starts in an incident of power outage. In some scenarios this would be a disaster, such as in data centres, hospitals and military locations. A UPS system bridges the gap, preventing a loss of power while the generator starts up to provide a sufficient power supply to your property and equipment.

Customers who need a UPS should get in touch and speak to our expert consultants about our solutions. We can then get to work safeguarding your critical power supply and ensure you power security is handled professionally.

Speak to the Experts

If you are interested in putting the correct steps in place to protect yourself from blackouts, surges and fluctuations, get in touch today.

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August Power Cut – Energy Firms Pay Out £10.5m

After millions were left without electricity and many of our transport networks ground to a halt, three of the biggest energy firms are going to pay out over £10.5 million into a redress fund managed by the UK’s energy watchdog Ofgem.

On Friday 9th August the UK saw widespread disruption following a hugely disruptive power cut that left commuters stranded and thousands of homes and businesses without power. Following a lightning storm which struck pylons and overhead lines just north of London, two large generators reduced their supply which a minute later triggered backup systems, meaning 5% of the UK power supply was shut off in order to safeguard the other 95%. This resulted in power cuts across the Midlands, South East, South West, East of England and Wales. The investigation conducted by Ofgem found that after the lightning strike Little Barford Power Station in Bedfordshire and Hornsea Windfarm both went down. 

The power cuts affected not only homes but also businesses and hospitals. It also left railways disrupted for days after, and so RWE Generation, who runs Little Barford Power Station and Orstead, who oversee the Hornsea offshore wind farm, will now cough up £4.5m each. In addition, distributor UK Power Networks has agreed to pay out £1.5m. 

What About the National Grid?

According to BBC News, Ofgem flagged a number of issues with some of the National Grid processes and procedures, which will need to be addressed in order to minimise the risks of future power cuts. The National Grid will also be under further scrutiny with Ofgem reviewing their role as the electricity system operator. 

Internally, National Grid has begun its own investigation and has said it will be working with ‘colleagues across the industry, to address the issues raised.’  

Reaction from Hornsea Windfarm

Hornsea Windfarm, which is located off the coast of Yorkshire in the North Sea, went down during the August power. They have since said, “We have co-operated with Ofgem throughout their investigations and conducted a thorough internal review of the events in order to prevent a situation like this from happening again.”

The disruption caused on the rail networks has also given the rail companies some food for thought. Some trains were stranded due to the software sensitivity during the power fluctuation, which meant they had to be manually restarted by an engineer.

WIndfarm In UK

Safe Guard Your Power – Get the Right Solution With Shenton Group

It is certainly possible to safeguard your business or property with an alternative/backup power supply in order to avoid power outages, especially at sensitive locations such as health care facilities, data centres and transport centres. 

Shenton Group has a broad range of solutions from onsite generators and UPS’s that ensure no break in power, to emergency generator call out services (Power Call), a cost saving solution that guarantees you power within 3 hours of an outage, wherever you are based in the UK. Power Call provides you with a reliable plan B that negates the need of an onsite generator. 

Whatever your requirements, ensure you get the right solution with Shenton Group. Get in contact today and request a FREE site survey.

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