June 2020 Colleague Of The Month!

It has been a difficult time during COVID-19 for a lot of businesses. It has put a strain on a lot of relationships and has tested teams. On a more positive note, it has also highlighted truly committed individuals that have pulled together to make things work, which brings us to say a massive congratulations to Ruth Armit from Credit Control who has won June 2020’s colleague of the month! 

Knowing how critical cash flow is at present and considering that every business is in the same boat, Ruth has been working away, trying to ensure everyone pays on or before due dates if they can.

Ruth explains: “Some of our customers are great – I never have to chase them. Others, I’m convinced, wait until I do! The most satisfying part is when I see the figure I’ve been chasing in the Bank!”

Ruth has worked for Shenton Group for three years now. We ask her what she enjoys most about her role:

“I enjoy working with the very varied clientele we have – from multi-national companies to farmers.”

Ruth, we thank you for all of your hard work and dedication; many people throughout the organisation have noticed your efforts. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved bottle of bubbly and vouchers!

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What’s Involved In The Transportation & Installation Of Power Solutions?

This blog covers the basics and possible logistics, and installation requirements for access and delivery for projects looked after by Shenton Group.

Every job is unique, and a dedicated Shenton Group Project Manager will establish the most efficient way of transporting your power solution to site, in a timely, and safe manner. 

Transporting products and materials to customers requires the prioritisation of deliveries and allocation of time slots to ensure the most efficient delivery / offloading process. Sounds simple! But the detail and procedures behind the scenes are sometimes more complicated than thought. 

Logistics provides a range of factors to consider:  

  • Personnel required for loading, Transportation and delivery 
  • Time slots for the generator and or material delivery 
  • Booking of cranes and forklifts 
  • Vehicle access
  • Pedestrian walkways
  • Access points
  • Offloading area
  • Traffic management plans

Does the generator require a hiab, forklift, driven road crane, or a tower crane to place materials and equipment in its final position? This needs assessing, and consideration of any road closures, and or traffic management measures that may be required.

Power solutions can vary in size from being able to fit comfortably on the back of a lorry, to wide loads. For wider loads, deliveries to your site may require road escorts and even more detailed planning.


The installation of a generator or CHP requires detailed thought. Not only ensuring there is a clear access route to deliver the equipment, but also ensuring there is space for future plant replacement programs to be carried out. Co-ordination needs to take place to ensure that any necessary cables, ductwork, pipework or other services do not ‘clash’ with existing site services. If this is the case, then existing services may need to be removed or re-routed.

As noted above, every project is unique, and different locations have their own variables. Shenton Group undertakes site surveys to assess the site to ensure there is nothing left to chance, providing you with peace of mind that the delivery and installation will be completed with minimal to no disruption. 

Do you have a project in mind? Get in contact and speak to the UK’s leading technical experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems. Backed up with years of experience and technical expertise, in serving a multitude of clients and sectors, we ensure you will get the correct solution for your needs.

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Why Use Shenton Group BIM Models?

Shenton Group produces a diverse range of Generators and CHP units that provide electricity and or hot water to an array of clients and sectors across the UK.

As we have seen in the past, relying solely on conventional methods such as the National grid poses threats of power loss. Shenton Group provides alternative on-site power continuity solutions to ensure you stay connected. 

Shenton Group has an extensive portfolio of unit sizes range from; 7kw to 2300kw for CHP’s and 20KVA to 3200kVA for Generators. Helping you every step of the way is our technical team! We have a dedicated design department that creates quality BIM models and BIM families to enable your projects to run efficiently and to ensure you get the correct solution for your needs. 

World-class Design Creating Efficiencies For Space Planning

At Shenton Group, we are renowned for delivering technical solutions and efficiencies at a whole new level, from concept to completion.

As technology has evolved, Shenton Group has taken strategic steps to keep at the forefront of technological advancements, in the use of Computer-aided design (CAD) and Building information modelling (BIM), making Shenton Group the go-to company when it comes to Revit downloads of combined heat and power (CHP) and Generator units & accessories.

From our drawings, we have produced Revit Generator and CHP BIM models that you can incorporate into your RVT central models for space planning.

Shenton Group Generators consists of an engine, alternator, and cooling system, with the CHP units having an additional heat exchange system, all housed within a canopy for easy installation.  

The CHP models produced include: 

  • Ducting connections for the inlet
  • Outlet of the circulatory cooling air for the system
  • Connection for the Gas input
  • Primary and secondary flanges for the heat exchange
  • flue flange connection

Including the items above in our BIM families allows you to add other families to them easily.

CHP buffer vessels produced for your Revit models

The heat that is produced by the CHP is a by-product of the power generated; it is used to generate hot water via the heat exchangers within the unit, this hot water may be used for heating or domestic hot water.

When the hot water created by the unit is not required immediately, it can be stored in a buffer vessel to be used at a later date.

The buffer vessel(s) which we physically provide to clients if required, can also be used in your Revit models, designed by Shenton Group as a Revit family to suit your requirements.

9 Benefits Of Using Shenton Group Models

  1. Shenton Group’s BIM and Revit files are FREE to download
  2. Not sure what model you need? Our dedicated team of engineers can help you select the correct model for your requirements.
  3. Cost savings and workflow is accelerated – by downloading readymade Revit families; you do not have to spend valuable time modelling.
  4. Shenton Group BIM objects are highly technical and have been produced using exact dimensions.
  5. With Revit connectors in their exact place, MEP services and piping can be calculated correctly.
  6. Air and water flow directions are indicated on the CHP Revit families.
  7. Shenton Group models come with a maintenance zone, so you know how much unobstructed space is required around the Generators, enabling higher accuracy when space planning.
  8. Shenton Group Revit objects can be reused, improving drawing office efficiency.
  9. Shenton Group BIM objects come fully populated with the Generator technical data.

Get The Competitive Edge On Projects

Shenton Group BIM objects and Revit files enable BIM managers to evaluate floor space and height requirements, to show consultants and other contractors 3D views of exactly how the equipment is installed, with accurate machine data. So, the advantages of using Shenton Group models is that it gives you a competitive edge from design to completion of a project. 

Installers are able to view in 3D, using Revit, Navisworks Manager or Navisworks Freedom the layout and pipe runs, how and where electrical cable trays are to be installed, and if there will be any issues on-site during the installation even before the building work begins, saving contractors time and money from the start.

Shenton Group Support

FREE BIM Models for Download

Shenton Group Revit families are FREE to download, to help improve productivity for Consultants, Architects and Project Designers.

Click here to view our BIM models

FREE Site Surveys

Shenton Group will review your site and provide detailed feasibility reports. This will give you a better understanding of what your power and energy requirements are and what solution would be the best fit saving you time and money. Click to request a site survey.

Dedicated Project Manager providing a complete turnkey solution

A dedicated project manager to help see the project through, from detailed Revit family design to full RVT Revit project file production, to physical installation of the real parts.

Shenton Group has been providing power solutions since 1982 across every sector. To ensure you choose the right equipment for the application and power demands, speak to our technical experts. 

From initial design support with CHP or Generator BIM and Revit files to the ongoing support and maintenance of your fully integrated solution on-site, we can ensure you have what you need. 

To discuss any of our CHP or Generator options and BIM objects, why not give our team a call, and we will be happy to assist.

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Colleague Of The Month – May 2020!

It has been a difficult time the past couple of months living through the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of businesses have been scrambling around trying to function on less staff and keep the money coming in. It has affected every industry in one way or another. Staying front of mind throughout this struggle to offer critical services and support to those in need has been one of Shenton Group’s top priorities.

Our Marketing department has done everything it can to ensure that every temporary hospital, datacentre and distribution centre knows that there is a reliable company at the end of the phone who can offer support 24/7. Which brings us to congratulate our winner of May 2020’s colleague of the month… Nicole Wells, our Brand Manager!

Nicole looks after everything marketing related for Shenton Group. Since coming into the role two years ago, she has completely updated the brand bringing it into modern times and continuously boosts our brand awareness. From printed promotional collateral to social media and website, to video work and branding up our products, every detail is thought of when it comes to showing the company in the correct light.

We asked Nicole to comment on the following:

What do you enjoy most about your role/ working at Shenton Group?

“I love the variety of work I do, it allows me to be quite creative, and it has been enjoyable to be part of the journey as we grow as a company. The Sales and Marketing Team is a great team to work in, it is full of great characters!”

Nicole’s colleagues have said that she is “always happy” and “puts the team’s interests first” and “she continues to push out great work”.

We would like to thank you Nicole for all of your hard work. Congratulations once again and enjoy your bubbly and vouchers!

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COVID-19 Safe Working Compliance

We confirm we have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19

Five steps to safer working together:

1. We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here.

2. We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance.

3. We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home.

4. We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace.

5. Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk.

21st May 2020
For further assistance contact Dickie Staff (QSHE & Training Manager)


Shenton Group is offering a centralised procurement and distribution service outside of our typical product and service portfolio. This is to help organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic and means; whatever product or service you are sourcing, we can help.

E.g. if you are calling about your power system but also need to source protective face masks, let us know. We have the resources to support you.

This service is available 24/7 for new and existing clients. 

Below are some examples of the items we have already been providing.

Personal Protective Equipment

Shenton Group’s COVID-19 Support Service Offers:

  1. Centralised procurement – whatever the product or service
  2. Joins clients with established supply chains
  3. 24/7 support
  4. National support and distribution 
  5. Dedicated phone number

Why We’re Offering This Service:

  1. To provide added support to critical sectors & clients during COVID-19
  2. To provide subcontract procurement service to clients with reduced staff numbers
  3. Reduce the workloads of maxed out individuals
  4. To ensure organisations have the support they need to operate effectively

Who Should Use This Service?

New and existing clients that need to source products or service even if they are out of Shenton Groups typical product or service portfolio.

Unsure if we can help you? Call 01264 349 311 to speak to a support representative. Or email: [email protected]

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Colleague Of The Month April 2020

As you know, it is business as usual for us serving critical clients, but we have had to adapt our way of working. Many of us are working from home now, and this has put more pressure than ever before on technology and connectivity. One person in particular has been noticed by our team for putting in 110% to ensure all systems are go…

Drum roll please… Congratulations John Duffy (IT & SAP Management) for winning colleague of the month! We want to thank you for all of your hard work!

Since lockdown, we have switched our collaboration software and phone system to Microsoft Teams, a more efficient setup making it easier for us to work from home. With seamless connectivity to our servers, incoming calls from clients being diverted all over the country, and technical troubleshooting with our devices at home, John is always there to lend a hand. Even if it only requires the computer to be turned off and on again!

John, it has been noticed that you have been “beavering away” and working hard to make this all happen. Colleagues have noted that you go above and beyond to ensure the team has the support it needs, and you are always “so helpful and remain positive and happy under pressure”.

The service you provide to the team is invaluable, and we appreciate what you do very much. We hope you enjoy your bottle of bubbly and voucher. Never mind the colleague of the month parking space, you can park wherever you like in the car park as hardly anyone is in at the moment!

Congratulations once again John, keep up the excellent work!

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Activities For Kids!

Do you need to keep the kids occupied? We have created a number of fun kids activities FREE to download!

Choose from our selection of colour in competitions and spot the difference challenges! Each week we are uploading new ones so watch this space or join our mailing list at the bottom of this page to receive them directly to your inbox!

Don’t forget to take a picture of your finished masterpiece and upload it to Facebook or LinkedIn (don’t forget to tag Shenton Group) and you might be in to win a prize!

Have fun and enjoy!

Kids Activity Icons3 Min
Kids Activity Icons Next Set6 Min
Kids Activity Icons2 Min
Kids Activity Icons2 Min
Kids Activity Icons Next Set5 Min
Kids Activity Icons Next Set Min
Kids Activity Icons Next Set4 Min
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Kids Activity Icons Next Set3 Min
Kids Activity Icons June3 Min
Kids Activity Icons June2 Min
Kids Activity Icons June Min
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Quality Assured CHP Revit Family Files for Download

Do you have a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) requirement? Save time and hassle by downloading Quality assured CHP files from Shenton Group and ensure you avoid project delays.

Shenton Group has the CAD experience, certifications and the latest software to produce Revit family files and RVT project files for new and existing customers. We have produced an extensive range of TEDOM CHP Revit models and accessories to meet the need of our clients, ranging from 7kWe to 2300kWe.

All of our BIM models are level 2 compliant and meet the construction industry standards. 

Ongoing assistance throughout the project is available from our team of dedicated CAD/BIM engineers and CHP generator experts.

What is BIM? 

BIM (Building information modelling) tools such as Revit are technically CAD programs; however, BIM is a process and methodology which enables teams of architects, manufacturers and contractors to collaborate and design everything required for a building or complex, where they are all working off the same database and computer model, no matter what part of the world they are in.

It does this by allowing the separation of real facilities like; HVAC, Mechanical equipment, Plumbing, Electrical, Walls, Windows and Ceilings, by showing them in a digital representation.

This practice allows the lead team/contractor overseeing the project, who has the central model to analyse and visualise the design and make decisions on the go, even before the physical ground is broken. 

Why Use BIM and Revit Produced by Shenton Group?

BIM is now being used globally, and the UK construction industry is using the BSI (British Standards Institution) BIM strategy as a framework to ensure all models meet specific criteria for their products and services.   

BIM’s software and tools that have been produced to streamline the design of buildings, and allows analysis of sustainability and the impact on the surrounding areas using real-time modelling.

Shenton Group has been the ‘go-to’ provider of CHP Revit models since 2017. Supplying to organisations and contractors such as the British Army, NHS, financial sector, Telecoms Manufacturing, Retail & Distribution and Education to name a few. 

Having a dedicated design department Shenton Group ensures Revit family models are accurate and concise. All Revit files contain the relevant COBi data required by the Government and provide an exacting product with specific data. These files are at your fingertips to download into your designs and ensure functional and energy-efficient requirements are met. We also assist our clients by producing space planning RVT’s.

Bespoke Models to Download into Your Project

Aside from producing and supplying Revit families and BIM objects, we offer a bespoke CAD/Revit RVT modelling solution, where customers can leave the modelling of the CHP(s) and associated equipment to us, and we will create an RVT project file of our equipment to link into your central model. 

BIM Model Maintenance

All models Shenton Group produce are maintained keeping the drawing dimensions and COBi data up-to-date. We ensure you have reliable accurate models when you need them, so you don’t have to go finding them elsewhere, or producing them yourselves.

Tailored to Your Requirements

We offer free site surveys to review your site and provide detailed feasibility reports. 

With any project, a dedicated project manager will see the project through from the detailed Revit family design, to full RVT Revit project file production of your power solution by our team of experts. With years of experience and technical expertise in serving a multitude of clients and sectors, we ensure you will get the correct solution for your needs.

To discuss any of our generator or CHP options and BIM objects, why not give our team a call, and we will be happy to assist.

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Keeping Team Morale High – March’s Colleague of the Month Goes To…

It has been a difficult time for many with the current COVID-19 pandemic, that’s why it is important to keep spirits up! Nearly all of our office-based staff are working from home now, and we have a reduced number of engineers out servicing critical sites. Our team have pulled together in this time of need and are still working hard and doing a great job!

It is that time again where we announce who has been voted for as our colleague of the month. Now this individual has been noted for his excellent advice and helpfulness. He is always there to lend a hand when you need him. We say congratulations to Andrew Ball, one of our generator project engineers!

Andrew has been with the company for seven years, assisting with the installs of large generator projects for clients all over the country. He has a reputation for always being positive, friendly and knowledgeable on-site. Colleagues have said that Andrew is a problem solver, and he is an asset to every project.

Initially coming on board as a fully qualified electrician, over the years Andrew has trained with Shenton Group into the position you find him today. He goes above and beyond for his colleagues, sharing useful information, he is a real team player.

Engineers like Andrew are still out serving critical clients in this current situation where most are at home, so we give him an extra special thanks for providing that service and supporting key workers.

We hope you enjoy the bottle of bubbly and vouchers Andrew! Keep up the good work!

Stay safe all, stay home.

Generator installation
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