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Shenton Group has been working around the clock throughout the pandemic providing support to clients of national importance. We have engineers all over the country that have been protecting organisations from power outages. And it has been our top priority to reduce the risk of any further disruption, from what 2020 has already thrown at us. 

When things are busy or times are difficult, it can be easy to get caught in the rush. Things can get overlooked and forgotten. We use ‘Colleague Of The Month’ is a time to pause, reflect and give thanks to members of the team that have been putting in the extra mile. 

Celebrate Your Team

As a company, we understand that to keep a team strong and headed in the right direction, it is important to listen and celebrate great work. After all, behind every great team stands great individuals. This brings us to congratulate Tom O’Malley, one of our Service Engineers that covers Scotland and the North!

No one can deny that Tom O’Malley has put in the extra miles. He recently travelled 254 miles to visit a client in Stornoway from Edinburgh, a 7-hour trip one way! 

Working During COVID19

COVID19 has affected every business in one way or another. As expected, some of our engineers had to shield, but this is where we saw engineers like Tom step up. Longer journeys to clients and longer shifts really highlighted the dedication of our team.

We asked Tom about his experience of working throughout COVID19:

” It has been difficult travelling between England & Scotland with different rules; it was a bit confusing at times, along with the constant threat of COVID19. However, I have stuck firmly to the government guidance, socially distanced and appropriate PPE. It is not the most enjoyable experience to work in these conditions, but we are committed to our clients.”

Colleagues have noted that Tom goes “above and beyond his duty”.

Working for Shenton Group for nearly eight years now, Tom explains what he did before this role:

“Having served my time as a truck technician, I knew that working in a workshop was not for me and wanted to specialise into more big engines work. I worked for a power generation company rebuilding & repairing large engines around the UK and Europe where I got the bug for some paid travel!” 

“I then moved to work offshore carrying out similar works but the standing around and watching Jeremy Kyle for days on end until the chopper arrived became too much to bear, so I left and joined Shenton Group….”

Working At Shenton Group

We asked Tom how he finds working at Shenton Group:

“I’m pretty lucky working for the Generator & CHP Department. I get a lot of variation in my job role from fault finding, engine rebuilds and service work, it’s never dull. It’s a good feeling leaving site with a happy client and a running engine be it a CHP or a standby generator.

Once again Tom, we would like that thank you for all of your hard work and dedication, you are an asset to the team. Enjoy the bottle of bubbly and voucher as a token of our appreciation. 

We are currently recruiting for a number of roles on our careers page. If you would like to join our team, get in touch!

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