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A great deal of attention has fallen upon the NHS lately, with the government pledging more funds as the institution turns 70.  As is the case with most septuagenarians, and like most medical organisations, the NHS is under pressure to reduce its energy costs (1).

Spending some £500 million-per-year on energy alone, the NHS should utilise solutions like Combined Heat and Power (CHP) to take control of energy consumption (2).

Producing electricity from a choice of three fuel types (natural gas, LPG and biogas), Combined Heat and Power systems use the heat produced to provide large volumes of hot water.  CHP systems are available in over 100 plant sizes from 7kWe to 2MWe and can be installed in any location from roofs to basements.

CHP generator installation3 Benefits of CHP

1: Your Energy Bills
Drastically cut your energy bills, thanks to CHP generating electricity from cheaper gas and providing hot water from the heat produced

2: Your Carbon Footprint
Significantly reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint through using this greener, more efficient energy source

3: Your Continuous Power
CHP provides independence from the National Grid resulting in a more reliable supply of energy; ideal for the provision of life-critical continuous power

2mv CHP unit for hospitals3 Steps Towards CHP

1: Your Current Power Reviewed
shentongroup’s CHP experts will examine your current electricity and gas consumption and will help you to determine the viability and benefits of switching to a modern CHP system

2: Surveys
shentongroup’s technical team will meet you at your site and compile your ‘wish list’ of project aims and CHP solution ‘must haves’, as well as surveying considerations and limitations of your site.

3: Design and Instal
You will be assigned the most suitable project manager and within 36 hours of placing your order, the design and install process will begin, managed with military-precision throughout.

If you’d like to know how much your site could save using CHP, take advantage of shentongroup’s free CHP Desktop Study – Find out how your current electricity and gas usage compare against post-CHP installation.  See all of the cost, C02 and efficiency comparisons in one easy-to-follow report.

To like learn more about Combined Heat and Power, click here to speak to a member of the UK’s leading technical experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems.

(1) Report: NHS could save £130m by updating energy systems – Edie.net, July 2018
(2) Upgrading outdated energy tech could heal NHS spend by £260m a year – Energy Live News, July 2018

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