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Imagine the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your Standby Generators and CHP systems are being continuously monitored by expert engineers 24 hours-per-day. When technical staff have gone home for the weekend, or when your organisation is operating on skeleton staff throughout off-peak hours, you still need the assurance that your continuous power systems are operating at optimum levels.

Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 12.34.46For organisations with power-critical systems and services, shentongroup has developed the HawkEye2 remote monitoring system providing continuous observation of generator conditions, enabling shentongroup engineers to intercept any potential issues well in advance of operational faults developing. With HawkEye2 issues are identified and rectified remotely and sometimes you won’t even have to wait for a shentongroup engineer to arrive. Once per week HawkEye2 starts your generator and tests vital parameters including voltage, frequency, temperatures and fuel levels, providing you with your very own report summary via GSM, SMS or voicemail.

For sites equipped with Combined Heat & Power systems, shentongroup’s Infinium contracts remote monitor your CHP ensuring that your Combined Heat and Power installation is always being monitored. With instant notifications of potential fault conditions, remote diagnosis capabilities, along with full engineer support, all of our Infinium contracts protect assets giving extra assurance by communicating with our Technical Experts on a 24/365 basis. Our Infinium contracts connect to the outside world via a standard internet connection and utilising a cutting-edge industry-leading communications protocol.

HawkEye2-dials-image-300x207Our Infinium contracts can be backed-up with a maximum 4-hour response time – In 99 % of cases any faults are rectified remotely, allowing a rapid, seamless and cost-effective return to full service.

Together with shentongroup engineers and depots spanning 28 UK locations, HawkEye2and our Infinium contracts provide continuous power, and CHP support that is second-to-none. If you’d like to learn more about shentongroup remote monitoring and how we maintain truly continuous power, and CHP systems for scores of organisations across the country, click here to speak to a member of the UK’s leading technical experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems.

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