We at shentongroup take pride in the knowledge that we can cater for all backup power needs in any situation. On this project we were needed to keep the power on whilst our client had to conduct some pre-planned electrical repairs at a major hospital.
As Xi Jinpin Tours the UK, China Invests in UK CHP Power Stations
The arrival of Chinese premier, Xi Jinpin, on a very high profile state visit dominates the news this week. The visit coincides with China investing some £2bn in UK’s combined heat and power industry.
Ofgem Report Confirms Bleak Power Forecast – Control Your Own Power Supplies
We’ve discussed potential blackouts this winter a number of times, but recent National Grid data paints a rather bleak picture of the 2015-16 provisional forecast.
Generator successfully installed at leading UK Laboratory
We at shentongroup install Generators for any industry no matter how complex the project is.
10 Generators on site for Yorkshire Distribution Centre

In June we reported on the first six Generators of ten rolling off the production line for this prestigious project. We are now proud to announce that all 10 are now safely on site and await commissioning. These Generators have been installed at a Yorkshire Distribution Centre for a major UK Retailer.

Each of the 10 Generators are capable of producing 550kVA and weigh 5 Tonnes. The delivery and siting of them was carefully managed by our highly skilled Projects and Engineering teams using 5 Articulated Lorries. The sets were split into 2 sites for LV1 and LV2 switch rooms. There will be more to report on this project once it has been commissioned.
When Disaster Strikes Who Are You Going To Call? – Power Call: Power Within The Hour!
With winter approaching and following a spate of reports regarding the possibility of impending power outages, the responsibility to secure reliable power supplies and to make adequate disaster recovery plans now weighs hard on many business owners. If your business needs power fast, then shentongroup’s Power Call emergency power generator service will bring you power within the hour!
Another Generator project completed in South Yorkshire
We at shentongroup are a truly national company completing projects all over the UK.
CHP and Generator specialists looking after their local environment
As leading CHP and Generator specialists, we at shentongroup take caring for the environment very seriously. So much so that recently we decided to get out of the office and onto the streets to support the “Love Where You Live” scheme run by Test Valley Borough Council.
Global Combined Heat and Power Market Analysis an Eye Opener
As the world’s developing and developed nations strive to lower their green house emissions, a recent report on the global Combined Heat and Power installation sector supports other reports many countries are striving to make significant changes across both their industrial and consumer markets by the increased adoption of CHP cogeneration systems.
Combined Heat and Power Is Really Taking Off
Throughout the UK, Combined Heat and Power plants are replacing traditional coal power stations and the current rate of new commissions has never been greater.