Importance of Regularly Load Bank Testing Diesel Generators

If you are reliant on a diesel generator as a source of backup power, it is essential to conduct regular load bank testing to make sure everything with the generator is in working order.

Having the correct, operational equipment available is often an afterthought until the moment it is required, but with regular diesel generator load testing it is possible to ensure you have a reliable power source in the event of an emergency.

Backup generators for the majority of the time sit dormant, waiting to spring into action when you lose mains power. As a generator sits there, parts naturally age and deposits build up. Just like a car, a generator needs to be started up once in a while to ensure it is in full working order and will offer you that protection when you need it most!

A load bank test simulates a power outage and ensures your backup generator will be reliable at full electrical load. Our skilled engineers test variable electrical demands, under controlled conditions allowing for accurate measuring and reporting. These tests help prolong the life of your generator and allow us to pick up developing issues for maintenance before they become a problem for you.

Load Bank Testing Diesel Generators

Load bank testing should form part of a maintenance programme for any organisation that uses a diesel generator for backup power. We recommend load bank testing at least once a year to ensure reliable performance during power outages.

diesel generator load bank

When running a load bank test, the electrical load is increased to full capacity, which allows the generator to really stretch its legs. All components of the diesel generator are tested when working to their optimal levels, including the cooling systems, which are the most common cause of diesel generator faults.

Aside from pushing the generator to the limit to see if it can handle the real world conditions encountered in an emergency, diesel generators further benefit as load testing removes any build-up of carbon deposits from pistons and exhaust systems. When diesel generators operate below a 30% load, the optimum operating temperature is not reached, which leads to a build up of carbon deposits. A load bank test will push the load to the maximum capacity essentially helping with the upkeep of the diesel generator.

At Shenton Group, our team conduct these detailed health checks as part of the load bank service, to establish if there are any developing faults and ensure that the diesel generator is able to sustain full load output in an emergency situation.

Diesel Generator Load Bank Testing Benefits

  • Detects any coolant problems
  • Checks radiator functionality
  • Identifies carbon deposit build up on key components
  • Benefit from a more reliable diesel generator for when there is a mains outage

Arranging a Load Bank Test

Unsure whether your generator will support your facility in a power outage? Give us a call!

Shenton Group provides nationwide coverage. We will send an engineer to inspect your site and run a load bank test. Not only will you receive detailed reports on the overall health of your asset, but you will also receive peace of mind and strengthen your power continuity plan.

If you haven’t been regularly load bank testing your generator, the likelihood is that you have an expensive asset sitting there wasting away.

We have a lot of people that call up explaining that they have had a generator on site for years, they are not sure if it works or the condition that it is in. If this sounds like you, we can help. All you need to do is pick up the phone.

Complete Load Bank Testing

Our load bank service is comprehensive and includes:

  • Access to Shenton Group’s expert & experienced engineers
  • Delivery of the rented load bank to the client site
  • Positioning of the load bank
  • Management of the logistics including road closures and crane movements
  • Complete testing of the diesel generator
  • Disconnection and removal of the load bank rental equipment
  • Reconnection to the normal load
  • Detailed load bank test report which can be shared with stakeholders as proof of testing

Book a Generator Load Bank Test

With teams located throughout the UK, we have engineers available to manage any load bank testing and deliver an excellent experience. Call Shenton Group to discuss your diesel generator requirements today.

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Can Businesses Rely on the National Grid to Deliver a Stable Electricity Supply?

Over a year has passed since we posted a news article on our blog following the UK’s most severe blackout in over a decade. Little did we know that just over 12 months later, vast numbers of us would be working from home due to a global pandemic. This in itself has changed the requirements of our power supplies, with many of us working from home and increasing our wifi/data consumption.

However, the National Grid claim their biggest challenge is balancing the supply with the actual demand dropping well below average levels.

Localised Power Cuts

Throughout the summer, locations up and down the country suffered from power outages leaving, residents and businesses in the dark. This has prompted more enquires about back up power solutions, to overcome the instability of the National Grid. Many businesses have already felt the strain with staff on furlough, reduced opening hours and fractured supply chains, and so could do without any additional power problems. 

A quick search on Google News highlights how common and widespread power cuts have become over the summer, affecting residential and commercial customers.


Norwich experienced a power cutback in August where local people woke up to find they were without power as was reported in the Eastern Daily Press. The problem was traced back to be a fault with a piece of electrical equipment, with power restored at 9:30 am.

Andover & Whitchurch

The Basingstoke Gazette reported in June that hundreds of homes were left without power for over three hours, with rural villages and households across Whitchurch disconnected from the National Grid. An SSEN spokesperson said: “We’re sorry for the loss of supply. We currently have a fault. Our engineers are on site working hard to get the power back on as quickly as they can.’


Dorset Police actually benefitted from a power cut in Poole, where SSEN electricians visited a house when there was a power outage after network infrastructure had been interfered with and left damaged. The visiting electricians found cannabis plants and subsequently reported the find to the Police, as covered by the Bournemouth Echo.


The whole town of Kettering suffered from a loss of power on September 24th with lights and TV’s off and the internet going down, leaving those working from home rather stuck.

These local examples are just a drop in the ocean when it comes to power failures as the National Grid continues to run into reliability issues. For people whose livelihood depends on the power being on, backup solutions are something to seriously consider.

We have a range of options for commercial premises to ensure day-to-day business can continue without disruption.

Coronavirus Impact on the Demand for Electricity

Millions of us now rely on electricity more than ever at home, but the National Grid state that we should not be concerned about the electricity supply, suggesting they have all the best procedures in place to manage the effects that the pandemic has had on the electricity supply.

Electricity demand is currently significantly lower than usual, due to a decrease in energy use from commercial and industrial consumers. However, managing a lower demand for electricity is just as difficult as it is to manage the peaks.

According to Current News ‘The pandemic has sent demand in the UK tumbling, with around a 20% drop from this time of year generally. This coupled with soaring renewables production has created challenges for National Grid to keep the grid balanced.’

Capacity Market Notices

Strangely enough, a demonstration of the strain of balancing the demand was the electricity capacity market notice issued on the 15th September.

Capacity Market Notices are an advance signal that there may be less generation available than National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) expects to need to meet national electricity demand. The notices flag that the risk of a ‘System Stress Event’ in the electricity network is higher than under normal circumstances.

The Capacity Market Notice instructs generators to be ready to meet the shortfall so that the Electricity System Operator are able to ‘keep the lights on for customers’. Given the notice came during a warm period of weather, it shows how fractious the system currently is.

For those feeling uncomfortable about the shifting demands, frequent outages and struggles with the grid, there are solutions to safeguard the power supply, such as backup generators, USPs and more solutions.

The UK’s ‘decaying electricity network’

National Grid CEO John Pettigrew has warned that Britain could be at risk of power blackouts ‘due to a decaying electricity network’ as cancelled projects mount up. One example reported in the Daily Mail was Sheffield, which relies on two power lines to power the whole city. The £40 million plan was denied by Ofgem, who told The Times newspaper that the National Grid had not demonstrated the need for a replacement.

With plans to spend £10 billion on UK networks now halved, many businesses and organisations need to take steps to protect their power continuity and futureproof their organisations from the issues facing the National Grid.

Staggering Social Media & Cryptocurrency Demands

The technology sector, including Social Media giants Facebook are some of the biggest users of electricity in the modern world.

According to Statista- “Facebook’s electricity consumption has gradually increased over the last years, reaching 3.43 terawatt-hours in 2018. Facebook has set goals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 75 per cent in 2020.”

The amount of electricity used by Facebook when compared to Bitcoin is dwarfed. Bitcoin is estimated to use 61.76 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity per year, which is more than the entire country of Switzerland uses. With the computing power needed for mining Bitcoin, it is crucial to futureproof against the potential struggles of electricity generation.

The landscape is certainly shifting with other new technologies becoming more commonplace such as electric cars and cryptocurrencies as two examples.

To Conclude, How Resilient Is Your Business?

How prepared is your facility, business or organisation for a power outage? The UK is currently going through turbulent times, with workers in limbo between heading back to the office and staying at home, parents concerned about sending children back to school and the hospitality sector waiting for the green light to kick start again.

Power is not always a primary concern until a problem occurs and our reliance on it is plain to see. Our team of engineers and experts have continued to work throughout the pandemic supporting businesses and equipping clients with the correct equipment, ready for them to power on, even when the mains are off. Through the winter months, the demand for power surges and the weather changing for the worse, will only increase the strain on the National Grid even further. Now is the time to review your power continuity plans and get the safety net of backup power or an alternative power supply in place.

Speak to our team of technical experts today about your concerns and shore up your power supplies with Shenton Group.

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Colleague of the Month August 2020

August 2020 sees the world still battling COVID-19; however, things are gradually becoming a new normal in England, children are back to school, and social distancing measures are in place as more and more people return to work.

Shenton Group has continued throughout the pandemic, supporting the critical sectors with reliable power. We have a strong team ethic here at Shenton Group, and there is someone in particular that we would like to thank for their hard work and dedication.

Liaising between teams and keeping the cogs turning, we say congratulations to Farley Suckling for winning colleague of the month! Farley provides administrative support and creates a solid foundation to which a lot of our internal processes rely on. 

Farley’s varied role consists of: 

  • Keeping our engineers on the road! – Booking in vehicles for services/ MOT, 
  • Ordering uniform
  • Ordering food for staff and client visits
  • Processing invoices and checking statement 

Farley fresh from college has only been with the company for just over a year. In that time she has proved to be a very driven, reliable and professional member of the team. She has started to take on more responsibility and has been providing support to our project managers. 

Raising PO’s/ Applications/ Invoice, Ordering Parts, creating manuals, Creating PWP Pack (Project Works Pack), Typing FAT/SAT documents. 

Farley said:

“Every day is enjoyable. I love having a variety of tasks, not knowing what task I will get from day to day makes it interesting and keeps me on my toes!” 

“I work across departments with different people every day; it is a great team of people. I find it interesting to see how people work, and I am always learning new things.”

Colleagues have mentioned that Farley is “always willing to help”, “has a great attitude” and “has been an important link between people working from home and the office during lockdown”.

Thanks once again for all of your hard work Farley. You are a valued member of the team, and what you do is noticed and apricated by all. Please enjoy the bottle of champagne and vouchers as a token of our appreciation. 

Are you interested in a career at Shenton Group? Visit our careers page!

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World Cogeneration Day – Cogeneration Explained by the Experts…

What is Cogeneration?

Cogeneration also known as Combined Heat & Power (CHP) is the process of electrical power generation that captures the by-product (Heat) in the form of Low-Temperature Hot Water, Steam, or chilled water (in tri-generation schemes). Cogeneration is an incredibly efficient process as it uses such a high proportion or all the heat that is generated as a result of the electricity generation. By generating power and thermal energy simultaneously, Cogeneration can reduce carbon emissions as much as 30% in comparison to conventional generation via a boiler and electricity purchased directly from the national grid. 

For Commercial and industrial clients, Cogeneration can offer significant commercial benefits. 

With current utility prices (September 2020 industrial averages), rates of return on Capital Investments can often be under 18-months simple payback. This is due to the Spark Spread (Spark Spread is simply the cost of generating on-site compared to the cost of purchasing utilities and generating thermal energy through traditional means i.e. boilers). 

How Can I Ensure ROI With CHP?

Cogeneration is sized according to site specific thermal and electrical operating profiles. The feasibility reports Shenton Group can deliver on your behalf will assess the benefits of running a thermally led or electrically led system design. We can then review the commercial implications and benefits of each system to determine the most appropriate solution for each individual client’s site. By correctly sizing the cogeneration scheme, it is possible to achieve combined electrical, thermal energy efficiency in excess of 95%. Cogeneration will provide clients a fast return on capital investment. 


Funding Schemes Available For CHP Projects

With current social and economic drivers, Shenton Group can also assist by facilitating introductions for fully funded schemes with little or zero capital investment required by clients. Funded schemes may not offer as attractive savings to an end-user, yet, with zero capital investment required a funded solution could make immediate operational savings allowing sites to focus on core production and processes. 

Cogeneration benefits include:  

  • High Electrical Efficiency
  • High thermal efficiency 
  • Low emissions 
  • Low operational costs 
  • Reduction energy costs 
  • Simple Electricity Production 
  • Greater site resilience 
  • Future-proofing sites from uncontrollable external energy factors 
  • Fast project set up and installation 

Flexible power opportunities, Combined Heat and Power can benefit a wide range of industry sectors including: 

  • Hospitals
  • Universities 
  • Data centres 
  • Farming & Agriculture 
  • Food & drink manufacture 
  • Sewage and wastewater treatment facilities 
  • Industrial 
  • Commercial building 
  • District Heating 
  • Hospitality & Leisure 

If you would like to find out how you can save money on your power bills and reduce your carbon footprint, get in contact with me today. 

Shenton Group has delivered thousands of cogeneration projects over the years and has built many long-lasting relationships. We do not just integrate great CHP solutions; we also maintain them to ensure they provide you with years reliability and savings on your energy bills. 

For a no-obligation chat, contact me today! Email [email protected] or call 0344 888 444 5.
Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

Take your first step to a greener future.

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World Cogeneration Day 2020

With the increasing need for businesses and organisations to reduce their carbon footprints, there has been ever more focus on Cogeneration or combined heat and power technology (CHP).

What is Cogeneration?

Cogeneration (also Known as Combined Heat & Power – CHP) is the process of electrical power generation that captures the by-product (Heat) which is used to produce hot water. By generating power and thermal energy simultaneously, Cogeneration can reduce carbon emissions as much as 30% in comparison to conventional generation via a boiler and electricity purchased directly from the national grid. This method of localised energy generation has become more and more common across the globe.

Hospitals, Universities, Farming & Agriculture, Food & drink manufacture, Industrial and Hospitality & Leisure are just some of the industries that are going green and benefiting from carbon and energy bill reductions.

What is World Cogeneration Day?

World Cogeneration Day, 4th of September 2020 celebrates the efforts of those in the Combined Heat and Power sector helping to deliver these outstanding solutions. COVID-19 has put a massive strain on the global economy. It has proved challenging and more important than ever to keep the lights on and businesses functioning. Shenton Group acknowledges the individuals who have been out supporting businesses in this difficult time where most have been shielding. We thank you in your efforts and dedication.

Curtis Meek Sales & Marketing Director Shenton Group notes:

“We have a commitment to our clients, to provide reliable CHP solutions that are best fit for their needs, that provide optimal energy efficiency and the best ROI. Our team have continued to provide these critical services, ensuring power reliability and security.”

Are you interested to see what Cogeneration projects we have been working on? Get in touch or view our case studies on our website. 

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Micro Combined Heat and Power Brings Cost and Carbon Savings

Across the UK many establishments have turned to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) to reduce the amount they pay out on heating and electricity, including Imperial College London, who have two combined heat and power systems. These Micro-CHPs have delivered the College significant cost reductions and decarbonisation benefits over the years.

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How to Choose a Temporary Power Generator Provider

In times of need, being able to call upon a power generator rental service is hugely important to many industries, allowing them to work in the knowledge that should the power supply cut off; there is a backup plan and they will still be able to function. However, when looking into a power generator rental supplier, what should you consider?

24/7 Generator Support

A power outage may occur at any given moment, including late at night, over the weekend or during the festive period. In fact, during the Christmas holidays, there is often more power used than at any other time of the year. For those who need access to temporary backup power urgently, you must choose a provider who is on hand to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Access to a helpful account manager and skilled engineers is pivotal, as you won’t want to be waiting an entire weekend for power to be restored. For those reliant on an electricity supply, be certain that help is always available.

Rapid Emergency Response Times

Aside from having someone to take your call in the UK at any time of day or night, emergency power generators need to be on site quickly. For instance, if a care home loses power, to ensure residents care is maintained power needs to be restored ASAP. Shenton Group offers an average response time of 100 minutes, for a fixed monthly fee via Power Call. With no call out fees and rapid response, a power generator is only ever a phone call away.

UK Wide Generator Hire Coverage

Great news, you’ve found an emergency power generator provider, not so great – the supplier is at the other end of the country. Customers who rely on power may want/need to find an emergency backup power company with service locations close by.

Shenton Group Generator Hire Locations

Shenton Group is the trusted power generator supplier to a whole host of companies and organisations and provides national support. We have 11 offices and service depots UK wide allowing us to service the whole country with short turnaround time, no matter how remote. Local knowledge helps to ensure that when you need power, our engineers will be with you quickly and will have the generator hire equipment ready for you to utilise.

Emergency Backup Power Equipment

It is beneficial for you to choose a power provider that has a range of generators and power equipment. Every site is different and the requirements vary. For example, a building site would likely require temporary generators that remain on site for the lifetime of the project, where as a hospital may only need to rent a temporary generator over a weekend whilst they take their permanently installed generator offline for testing.

Not sure what generator size you need? Our technical experts can help you. A professional outfit will be able to visit your site and assess your requirements if you are in doubt about the equipment needed to support you in an emergency.

From 30kVA up to 1250kVA we provide the rental of standby or prime power generators and are able to synchronise multiple generators for larger power requirements. The backup power supply may even form just a small part of the overall solution with cable, fuel tanks, AMF panels, distribution panels, security locks and refuelling all available as part of the package at Shenton Group. This is why it is good to speak to the experts to ensure you get the solution you need.

Maintenance of Temporary Power Generators

A rental generator might be required for months on end or even years. Whether its running around the clock providing prime power or in reserve as backup power, it will require maintenance to ensure it remains reliable and works efficiently.

Find a power generator supplier who provides a complete ‘Baby Sitting’ service for your rental generator. For critical sites this option is very appealing. Our engineers are available to be on site throughout the duration of the rental to ensure should anything go wrong, that help is on hand.

Emergency Backup Generator

Do Your Research

If you are responsible for sourcing a temporary electricity supply, then choosing the right company is essential. At Shenton Group, we have been in the industry since the 1980s. Our heritage and expertise stand us out from the crowd, as does our team of dedicated professionals.

Our case studies demonstrate how we have supported our clients and their power needs:

We understand there are lots of factors involved when it comes to choosing the correct temporary power solution, often it is not practical to have a generator on site at all times due to its size or expense, and sometimes a temporary electricity supply is only required for a short amount of time. We spend the time collaborating with clients to find them the perfect power generator solution.

Should you be in the market for a power generator or backup power support, our team will be happy to discuss your requirements and figure out a tailored quote based on your exact requirements. Whether you are hosting a small outdoor event or in need of backup power for a business, we will make sure everything is in place.

Give us a call today and speak to the UK’s leading technical experts. We will be happy to discuss the options right for you.

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July 2020 Colleague of the Month Goes To…

Things have started to become the new normal. Some people are still working from home, but others are now back in the office and in the field (socially distancing of course!)

There is one engineer in particular that has been working hard throughout this testing time. Continuing to provide a quality service to our clients and being a great team player whilst workload has been high.

This leads us to say a big thank you and congratulations to Graeme Wilson, one of our Projects Engineers! Graeme is a technical expert on the generator side of the business, with 35 years of experience, there isn’t much he hasn’t seen or fixed!

Fresh out of school, Graeme started his career in the Royal Navy where he trained as a Marine Engineer (mechanical and electrical).

These days you will find him shooting around the country assisting with complex installations and repair works on generators, some times staying away overnight. If you have a call-out at 3 am, it might be Graeme’s friendly face that rushes to your assistance. Rest assured, once on-site; it won’t be long before you are back with power again!

Graeme’s main area of expertise is system integration for control panels. He is also on hand to assist with site surveys and tech calls.

Colleagues have noted Graeme to be a “fountain of knowledge who is always willing to share his valuable experiences and things he has learned.”

He has also been recognised for the generator commissioning works he completed at ****** Airport, fixing switchboard defects at a health care site, and integrating a new control system for a backup power supply for another airport.

We thank you once again for all of your hard work, dedication and value you bring to the Shenton Group team. You have inspired many over your 12 years of service here, and we are pleased to have you onboard providing our clients with a professional service for years to come.

Are you interested in a career with us? Visit our careers page.

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June 2020 Colleague Of The Month!

It has been a difficult time during COVID-19 for a lot of businesses. It has put a strain on a lot of relationships and has tested teams. On a more positive note, it has also highlighted truly committed individuals that have pulled together to make things work, which brings us to say a massive congratulations to Ruth Armit from Credit Control who has won June 2020’s colleague of the month! 

Knowing how critical cash flow is at present and considering that every business is in the same boat, Ruth has been working away, trying to ensure everyone pays on or before due dates if they can.

Ruth explains: “Some of our customers are great – I never have to chase them. Others, I’m convinced, wait until I do! The most satisfying part is when I see the figure I’ve been chasing in the Bank!”

Ruth has worked for Shenton Group for three years now. We ask her what she enjoys most about her role:

“I enjoy working with the very varied clientele we have – from multi-national companies to farmers.”

Ruth, we thank you for all of your hard work and dedication; many people throughout the organisation have noticed your efforts. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved bottle of bubbly and vouchers!

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What Are the Benefits of Using BIM Models?

At Shenton Group, we believe that downloading our ready made BIM objects can benefit everybody within the UK construction industry. We look at the benefits of BIM (Building Information Modelling) and establish why it is vital to use quality models.

What is BIM?

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a modern design technique that utilises software and a collaborative design process to make the procedure of developing buildings more efficient. Using Revit, Navisworks Manager or Navisworks Freedom software, 3D models are made available to architects, manufacturers, contractors and designers who are then able to work together simultaneously to focus on various stages of the project.  

BIM software streamlines the design of buildings and factors in the analysis of sustainability and the impact on the surrounding areas using real-time modelling.

Autodesk, who developed the Revit software, summarise BIM perfectly –

“BIM is an intelligent, 3D model-based process that helps MEP professionals design, detail and document Building Systems more efficiently. Working in a BIM process gives project teams more insight into designs and constructability, reducing risk and improving outcomes” [1].

BIM is widely used around the globe, while here in the UK; the construction industry uses the BSI (British Standards Institution) BIM strategy as a framework to ensure all models meet specific criteria for their products and services.  

Enjoy the Benefits of BIM Modelling Including Efficiency

Unlike CAD systems where drawings are individual, the key benefit of BIM modelling software is that it generates all the drawings of the design from one 3D model. The software consistently outputs designs from the central 3D model, making the process of cross checking multiple drawings redundant and enhancing the quality of the end design.

Using BIM makes the design of building and complexes incredibly efficient, allowing teams of architects, manufacturers and contractors to collaborate and design everything required from any location by working off the same database and computer model.

By speeding up the design process, decisions can be made quickly and projects are far more likely to be delivered on time, giving contractors a competitive edge. Using the software also assists with installation, as contractors can factor in layouts and pipe runs to foresee any upcoming issues at the planning stage, saving both time and money.

“Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital Construction is an important part of the strategy and is helping to increase productivity and collaboration through technology” [2]

Many organisations make use of third party BIM objects to incorporate into their design, as companies provide readymade objects to download and introduce into the main design.  However, BIM objects must be both accurate and delivered on time or may cause delays or problems with the integrity of the final design.

Construction companies should only use BIM objects from proven partners such as Shenton Group to benefit from this fantastic and forward thinking technology.

Benefits of BIM include models

8 Benefits of BIM Models Used From a Trusted Supplier

1. Accelerate workflow by downloading readymade BIM objects, ready to use at your fingertips and download directly into your designs.

2. BIM models of Power solutions such as CHP’s and Generators, for example, are accurate and of high-quality when downloaded from the supplier of the equipment.

3. Enjoy cost savings, by not having to spend valuable time modelling BIM objects.

4. Revit and other forms of BIM objects, such as SAT files are reusable, thereby improving drawing office efficiency.

5. Enhance BIM projects by using ready to use detailed models.

6. BIM objects are produced using exact dimensions for accuracy.

7. Using software such as Revit, connectors are integrated in the models, giving other MEP services a means of connecting, to allow for calculations.

8. Specifically relating to CHP and generators, manufacturer models come with a maintenance zone, so you know how much clear space is required around the unit. This enables higher accuracy when space planning.

How Can I Trust the BIM Files I Am Using?

The best way to offset risk is by downloading BIM object files in the form of SAT, IFC, or Revit, provided by reputable manufacturers. This will provide you with the latest up-to-date versions, from an established BIM file provider, with the additional cost saving of not having to produce them.

We have a dedicated internal design department at Shenton Group, which ensures our Revit family models are accurate, concise and are kept up-to-date. All Revit files contain the relevant COBi data required by the Government and provide an exacting product with specific data. These files are at your fingertips to download into your designs and ensure functional and power requirements are met.

At Shenton Group, we want new and existing clients to have a choice about the company and proven BIM partner they use, and the only way for this to happen is for the provision of multiple file types to be available. After all, if you are only providing BIM objects in a specific file type, you can’t guarantee that all BIM designers will be working within the same program, so multiple file types are crucial to avoid hold-ups.

Working with a transparent organisation who continue to adapt to the changing technology is really important. At Shenton Group, we continue to increase the quality of our BIM objects and work with our clients providing technical advice and files free to download to ensure the project runs smoothly and the end client gets exactly what they need.

Shenton Group BIM Model in Woodland

Quality Assured Revit Files from Shenton

If your project has a CHP or Generator requirement, avoid project delays and download our very own quality assured models. Our BIM models are level two compliant and meet the construction industry standards ready for clients to use and proceed with confidence.

Not only this, but we are also a large team of CAD/BIM engineers and experts who deliver ongoing support to assist in the completion of time sensitive projects.

Generator and CHP models produced by Shenton Group include connections for the inlets and outlets of other services, allowing for the full scale accurate modelling, 3D visualization and calculations.

Please get in touch to discuss our BIM objects or if you have queries about CHP or generators, our technical team are happy to assist.


[1] Autodesk (2020) [Accessed 7th June 2020].

[2] Cabinet Office and Infrastructure and Projects Authority (2016) [Accessed 7th June 2020].

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