Statement Regarding Work of National Importance

At a time of heightened anxiety in the UK, we felt it wise to be clear as to the current activities that Shenton Group are involved in, and how these comply with the Government instructions. 

Shenton Group has a dedicated team including Board and Senior Management members constantly watching all developments with regards to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the various restrictions put in place by the British Government. 

We maintain, monitor, and take responsibility for a number of Generators and CHP’s on key NHS sites, Education Campus’, National Water Boards, and Data Centres, all of which are regarded as sectors of National Importance. These sectors rely on having back-up power available 24/7/365 to assist in a time of a power outage. 

A number of clients have identified Shenton Group as key supply partners at this time and have requested that we remain open and operating. Therefore Shenton Group’s engineers are operating around the country on these key sites, albeit in slightly reduced number. 


Jody B. Meek 
Managing Director 

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Will the Coronavirus Have an Impact on the Energy Network?

The self-isolation measures in place due to the Coronavirus outbreak mean that many people will be set up to work from home, which may put more pressure on our energy networks and our power supplies.

Demands on our Critical Infrastructure

Despite the challenges that arise due to the Coronavirus, many businesses will continue to operate to their best ability in these unusual circumstances. This will involve many employees working from home rather than sharing large communal office spaces.

Homeworking does increase the demand for our energy networks compared to the normal requirements of workers using office areas, where both heating and electricity come from shared supplies. However, energy suppliers such as Scottish Power “point out that it is not that much different to Christmas time when most of the population takes a couple of days off”*. A period of working from home should be manageable but with the uncertainty of how long this remote way of working will be recommended, it could put a strain on telecommunication centres and other energy suppliers.

*BBC News Scotland

Lessons from Europe

In Germany, the association of local utilities (VKU) stated that the ‘Energy supply currently is neither in danger nor impaired’.** Grid operators are taking the same precautions as advised for any employee in order to minimise the infection risk, without compromising the service levels provided.

**Clean Energy Wire

In addition, the shutdown of sporting events, mass gatherings, social events, pubs, bars and cinemas will also equate to less power used on the continent, with similar measures coming into force in the UK. Manufacturing is also likely to be scaled back and even halted as businesses look to minimise the risk of their employees becoming unwell.

Energy & Communication More Important Than Ever

Nationally the country will need to work collaboratively to contain the pandemic and both power and internet connectivity will be relied upon to enable people to work and operate remotely in isolation. Businesses will depend on the power networks to continue providing a service and to remain connected and informed of any internal updates.  

Constant power supplies for hospitals and healthcare locations will be imperative and Shenton Group will remain operational in order to support all of our customers, no matter which sector they operate in.

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Coronavirus Contingency Plan

Stakeholder Notification – Coronavirus Contingency Plan

With the ever-increasing concerns around Coronavirus (Covid-19), our top priority at Shenton Group is the health and safety of our staff and customers.

We have robust contingency plans in place and a dedicated team who are responsible for monitoring the situation and implementing the plans as necessary. We have implemented the advice of the authorities across our 5 offices, as well as put measures in place to ensure our remote and field-based staff are compliant. We have remote working capabilities in place for 50% of our staff covering all key roles, and this capability will be further increased in the coming days.

If you are aware of infection in your immediate area, and we have an engineer or representative due to visit you in the coming days, please help us contain the virus by informing us prior to the visit. In these instances, we may have to make alternative arrangements.

We want you to know that we are doing all we can to support our staff and customers should the spread of the virus escalate.

We wish you all the very best in your business and trust this disruption is short-lived for the benefit of all.

Best Regards,

Jody Meek
Managing Director
Shenton Group

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4 Sectors Who Rely On UPS Systems

Sectors who rely upon continuous power and simply cannot afford to have a power outage include Healthcare, Military, Telecoms and Finance.  Fortunately, there is a solution for all of them and that is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

A UPS system will support your equipment until your generator takes over, or the mains supply is restored, meaning no drop in power and no harm done.

Throughout our 38 years of trading, Shenton Group has installed uninterruptible power systems for a variety of clients working across an array of industries. The one common denominator is that they are looking for expertise in continuous power.

What is an Uninterruptible Power Supply?

An uninterruptible power supply provides instantaneous backup power during a loss of power supply. Computers or equipment can then be shut down safely, or switched over to power supplied by a generator.

Protecting Power Supplies in the Healthcare Industry

Operating theatres and essential hospital equipment require the support of a UPS to ensure there is no drop in power in the event of mains power failure.

Without the protection that a UPS provides, lifesaving operations would be put in jeopardy, scheduled scans of patients would be brought to a halt and treatment of sick patients delayed. Power solutions for healthcare facilities must also adhere to strict and specific regulations, which is especially important for operating theatres and hospital scanning equipment.

Healthcare Sector UPS

Read how we provided a major UK private hospital group with a truly uninterruptible power supply solution, to ensure they can remain operational at all times in order to provide the best possible level of care.

Business Continuity in the Finance Sector

All financial organisations require continuous power to ensure that all business systems remain operational in the event of a mains power failure. The financial sector is reliant on huge levels of computing power to trade, react to the markets and to provide customers with access to their personal information and banking details around the clock.

Finance is a sensitive sector with an emphasis on minimal downtime as even the smallest technical hitch can disrupt thousands of daily customers and any damage to hardware could potentially result in data loss. Financial companies need to keep data secure as a priority. Any power issues could potentially lead to a loss of business as doubts may creep in around a financial institutions ability safeguard personal data.

At Shenton Group, we support financial clients such as the Bank of Cyprus UK, with an uninterruptible power supply to ensure they can continue to function at all times ensuring their security, lighting, communications, customer services and data integrity are all protected.

Eliminating Risk in Telecoms

While backup power is essential for the world of telecoms, it is an industry that also requires clean and reliable power. UPS systems not only ensure around-the-clock power, but they also protect expensive equipment from any fluctuations that can cause outages and damage equipment. A UPS system will reduce risk levels and loss of income and ensure you can provide a reliable service 24/7.

Over the decades, we have helped numerous telecoms companies of varying sizes, and have experience in the construction of a large scale continuous power projects.

Telecoms UPS

Safeguarding the Military from Power Outages

The military often operates out of remote locations where a continuous power supply can be difficult to secure. It would be unthinkable for the military to be without power for their communications and facilities, as this could have massive consequences for national security.

We pride ourselves in ensuring MOD have a secure and consistent power supply. Since an original back-up power installation off the coast of Portsmouth, our trained engineers have maintained their 22 UPS systems, some of which sit in a remote location only accessible by boat.

For the military or any government facility, there is never a time when a power outage is acceptable, which is why a reliable UPS system is pivotal.

UPS for Government

Other Sectors That Need Continuous Power

Aside from the four sectors, we have outlined, UPS systems can be essential for other sectors where uninterrupted power is required.

Security Systems

Power is vital in the world of security, meaning that CCTV, access control, alarms and motion sensors remain up and running to protect premises throughout the UK.

A prison, for example, is a prime example where power is paramount in the interest of security to ensure automated doors, key control systems and the like remain watertight for the safety of both inmates and prison staff.

Sports Stadiums and Event Venues

Major sporting events, leisure complexes, cinemas and festivals all use vast amounts of power for equipment and lighting, without this, there could be huge financial losses to cover. A resilient power solution is crucial to cover everything from lighting, broadcasting equipment, CCTV and everything in between. Having a reliable contingency power solution will ensure the show goes on without a hitch.

Contact Us about a UPS System

Shenton Group specialises in providing uninterruptable power supply solutions to a variety of sectors. We offer a FREE review of your facilities and provide clear guidance to ensure you get the perfect continuous power solution specific for your needs. Why not give us a call today?

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February 2020 Colleague Of The Month…

February’s colleague of the month has been chosen for her problem-solving abilities, knowledge and the support she provides to her team. “The team would be lost without her” explains a colleague. This employee has not been with the company long, but she has made quite an impression – congratulations Chloe Bungay Maintenance Team Leader for Generator & UPS!

Chloe joined the Shenton Group family in November 2018 initially as a Project Management Assitant, then in March 2019, she moved into her current role. Noted as “always smiling and having a positive attitude”, Chloe has been voted for by a colleague for “making a real effort to make me feel so welcome when I was new to the team,” and “supporting me with everything in my new role.”

Chloe’s role is varied and reactive, working closely with our clients to ensure that their generators and UPSs are maintained effectively. You never know what kind of call will come in. One minute she could be scheduling service visits, the next she could be on the phone to engineers. With engineers all over the country providing support, this requires a highly organised individual to keep everything in check.

We asked Chloe how she finds her role and her time at Shenton Group:

“No two days are the same, I am always busy, and I enjoy coming to work. I work with a great team and for a fantastic company. My team are hardworking, and we always have a laugh which makes the days fly by!”

We thank you once again for all you bring to the company Chloe. Enjoy your bottle of bubbly, voucher and premium parking space. Keep up the excellent work!

Interested in a career with us? Visit our careers page!

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Diesel Generator Maintenance and Hire Options

Shenton Group has over thirty years’ experience in providing customers from an array of sectors with diesel-powered solutions to ensure they can continue to operate even when the mains power supply fails.

We manufacture diesel HV & LV generators, ranging from 10kVA to 3200kVA, and provide an end-to-end service from design to final commissioning. Ongoing assistance is available from our team of dedicated diesel generator maintenance experts.

As well as permanent solutions, we offer Power Call, where customers pay a monthly subscription fee to have our team on call as and when they need a diesel generator or support, without the expense of a permanent generator install.  

Emergency Diesel Generators

Standby emergency generators, such as those used in hospitals and healthcare facilities, provide a backup source of power in the event of a National Grid outage or a power surge. Partnered with a UPS to maintain power while the generator switches on, an emergency diesel generator is essential to ensure that any vital equipment continues to function.

Diesel Generator Fuel Tanks

The majority of generators come with fuel tanks that provide 10 hours run time at 75% load, and Shenton Group can also provide bespoke diesel generator solutions if longer times are required.

Supplying Diesel Generators Since the 1980’s

Shenton Group has been the ‘go to’ provider of diesel generators since the 1980’s, supplying to organisations such as the British Army. We continue to provide a number of Ministry of Defence clients with reliable and trusted power services, including the installation of several diesel generators at RAF Valley.

Thames Water, various Financial Service companies and other prestigious clients have made use of our expertise over the past 35 years.

Diesel Generator Maintenance

Diesel Generator Maintenance

Aside from supplying diesel generators, Shenton Group also provide diesel generator maintenance to keep backup and emergency power generators in prime condition. Planned maintenance is critical to the health of any diesel generator and ensuring you have reliable power when you need it. No matter how remote you are based, we provide UK wide coverage from our thirty service locations.

We offer bespoke maintenance contracts, remote monitoring to ensure your diesel generator is running as it should, generator upgrades, oil or coolant sampling as well as parts and spares.

Load Bank Testing

We offer a complete load bank testing service, which is a controlled test of your backup power generator. Regular testing of standby diesel generators at full electrical load is key to ensure reliable performance during a power outage. We recommend load bank testing at least once a year to ensure reliable performance during any outage.

Our diesel generator maintenance and load bank testing service includes:

  • Site Survey, delivery and positioning of the load bank
  • Site logistics
  • Testing of the generator/ power source
  • Disconnection and removal of the load bank
  • Reconnection to the normal load
  • Detailed results with a full written report

Hire a Diesel Generator

Not every client requires an onsite diesel generator, which is why our extensive rental fleet and dedicated engineers are a great option for planned power downtimes.

Cost Effective Solution for Emergency Power

Do you need to have a better power continuity plan in place? Power Call is the emergency generator call out service. You will receive 24/7 365 days a year access to a backup generator and skilled engineers, without the need to purchase an onsite generator. Our dedicated fleet of generators are available in the event of a prolonged outage and offer your business power security as and when required, with unlimited call outs! Power Call has a national average response time of 100 minutes from notifying us to an engineer arriving on site.

Get the Right Diesel Maintenance Solution

We offer free site surveys to review your site and provide detailed feasibility reports. With any project, a dedicated project manager will see the project through from the detailed design of your power solution to a professional installation. Years of experience, technical expertise and serving a variety of clients ensures you will get the correct diesel generator maintenance solution for your needs.

To discuss any of our diesel generator options, why not give our team a call and we will be happy to assist.

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It’s Time to Say Goodbye…

It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell

Our most wonderful, kind, reliable Lorna is leaving today to start a new chapter in her life. How do you say goodbye to someone that means so much to everyone? 

You do what any good Shenton Group get together involves, lots of food, cake, flowers and balloons!!!  

We are sad that we have to say goodbye to one of our best colleagues but we are excited that she gets to say hello to her next adventure! 

Lorraine, Lorna’s manager commented “What can I say about Lorna? I can’t believe I actually have to let her go to get MARRIED!! I have told her, she knows how wonderful I think she is. She is reliable, amazing, outstandingly good at what she does and as a team, we will miss her terribly both personally and professionally”. 

Lorna started with Shenton Group straight from college 1st September 2010 firstly on our reception for 4 years and moved to the Generator Rental Department and has been there ever since, improving and exceeding targets year on year. 

We asked Lorna about her role at Shenton Group “I have enjoyed the variation of work of which my job role brings in; you can never plan a day without the unexpected and unknown calls and projects that can swiftly land then require prompt attention and sometimes turn your day upside down for the good or the bad”. 

What will you miss? “I will miss the whole team at Shenton, the family atmosphere, and mostly the good-humoured banter that keeps us all going!”

We asked Curtis our Sales and Marketing Director to talk about Lorna, “Lorna has been an outstandingly loyal member of staff throughout her 9 and a half years at Shenton group. Hard working, efficient and always on hand to help. Lorna has served many a customer with robust Power Rental solutions. Lorna also had many hidden talents from a wicked sense of humour to making incredible cakes! She will very much be missed as she leaves Shenton Group to get married and start her new life in Grimsby.”

Lorna Thank you for everything that you’ve accomplished so far, and good luck to everything you will in the future.

Congratulations Alan McClure – Generator Rental Engineer!

January 2020’s colleague of the month award goes to….

Drum roll please…. Congratulations Alan McClure – Generator Rental Engineer! 

Alan has been voted for by the Shenton team for having a positive attitude in all he does, assisting in all sort of tasks, and often thinking of cost-saving solutions. Thanks so much for your efforts!

Dealing directly with clients, Alan is one of many engineers that drive all over the country providing reliable power and generator expertise. There isn’t much he hasn’t done in the company! 

Having worked for the company now for 5 years, he is a valued member of the team. Moving around in different departments, Alan started out in generator servicing, then went on to work in CHP servicing for 18 months, to where we find him today in Generator Rental. 

A Peek into the Life of a Generator Service Engineer

When a rental is due to go out to a client, it is Alan’s job to ensure it arrives to the site safely, he connects it up and ensures its in full working order. Once the generator is no longer needed, Alan would return and take it away again.

If the rental is for a long duration of time, the generator would need refuelling, and if a fault occurs, Alan would be on hand to take care of this. 

When Alan is not out serving our rental clients he is out servicing generators on the maintenance side, providing valuable services such as load bank testing and fuel polishing. These services help to keep our client’s generators functioning and reliable. 

Alan explains:
“What I enjoy most about my job is that every day is a different challenge.”

Sum up your role in 3 words:
“interesting, unpredictable and satisfying”

We thank you once again Alan for doing a great job. Congratulations, and enjoy your bubbly and vouchers!

Interested in a career with us? Visit our careers page!

Emergency Generators – Why Are They So Important?

Many of our clients require continuous power supplies in order to function and meet the regulatory requirements within their industry. Working across so many sectors flags hundreds of reasons as to why emergency generators are required and why they should be well maintained.

The clue is definitely in the name, emergency generators are used when a crisis hits. They should be regularly maintained in order to act as your safety net should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from a blackout.

Emergency generators are an independent source of power that when called upon support your systems in a mains power outage. With this in mind, it is worth considering the value they can bring to your business or property, or in other words, what could be lost if the power went out.

The national grid power outages in August 2019 affected thousands of people and brought businesses and transport to a standstill, this further highlights the need to consider alternative emergency power systems.

Emergency Generators Allow For Continuous Operation

The MOD is a prime example of a client that requires emergency backup generators so that they can maintain operations continually, and it is imperative that they have well maintained backup power systems in case they are called upon. At Shenton Group, we provide comprehensive support to our clients, including the MOD. Scheduled startups and load bank testing are taken care of by our dedicated team, right through to maintenance work on canopies to protect generators from the outdoor elements. Shenton Group provides the full package when it comes to keeping your equipment in full working order.

The MOD are located throughout the UK, often in remote areas. The remote nature of some of these locations further highlights the importance of having well looked after emergency backup resource for occasions when the mains supply is cut off.

Emergency Power Supply MOD

Emergency Power Supply Benefits

Having access to an emergency power supply has countless benefits. It goes without saying that hospitals and healthcare facilities cannot afford to suffer from the consequences of a power outage as essential operating and life-saving equipment requires a constant and reliable source of power. However, other industries can benefit from having emergency backup power.

Data centres and financial institutions are under constant pressure to ensure all business systems function no matter what. The benefits of having an emergency power supply at your premises include the protection of:

  • Security systems
  • Lighting
  • Communications systems
  • Customer services
  • Data integrity
Shenton Group Emergency Backup Power Install

Maintaining Your Emergency Generator

Without looking after your emergency generator, can you rely upon it? Although a back-up generator for the majority of the time sits there dormant, the equipment still needs regular maintenance to ensure reliability when it is needed. Over time batteries can become flat, hoses and connections can perish and fluids level can drop. That’s why it is imperative to keep your backup generator in shipshape condition; as otherwise, it is a redundant asset to own.

Shenton Group provides detailed health checks for emergency generators. We supply remote monitoring, servicing, repairs, maintenance and emergency response. Regularly scheduled maintenance plans are available and work out to be very cost-effective.

Our remote monitoring service allows us to predict and rectify any potential issues, and we even have the ability to start or stop your generator should you require us to do so.

Mobile Emergency Power Systems

Not every client has the budget or the requirements of the MOD or of the Health Care sector, but that does not mean you cannot have a contingency plan for an emergency power supply.

For many, an emergency generator call-out contract is sufficient and will protect them and their operations in the case of a prolonged power outage. Likewise, many of our clients make use of our Power Call service for emergency backup power as they may only lease the property they operate out of, and so, a permanent on-site generator is not suitable. Power Call provides you with guaranteed back-up power for your site, with an average response time of 100mins for a small monthly fee. A monthly contract with Shenton gives businesses access to 24/7 support from our strategically placed locations across the UK.

Reduce Your Risk & Enquire About an Emergency Generator

We have over 30 years of experience when it comes to supplying power solutions to our clients, many of whom have just suffered a power-related emergency where there has been an outage and they have been caught out. Protect your business with an emergency power supply that can allow you to continue to run your facility and operation, or at the very minimum, safely shut down and prevent any damage occurring.

We provide a FREE site survey and can advise you on the best solution so that when faced with a loss of power, you are covered. Get in contact today.

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Power Options Explained – Protect Your Business From Power Outages

Power outages never come at a convenient time, especially for businesses where it can cause huge levels of disruption with work coming to a halt, equipment shutting off and everybody left scratching their head as to what to do next. However, there are solutions to deal with power outages that can meet your exact requirements and fall in line with your budget.

Depending on the industry you operate in, your power security levels can vary. Some businesses can simply not afford any downtime and a power outage would be a total disaster, whereas some other operations can cope with a temporary loss of power.

By getting in touch with a technical expert such as Shenton Group, you can rest assured that the advice and solutions on offer will match your business requirements so that in the event of a loss of power, the disruption will be minimal, or even have no impact on your business at all.

Finding the Right Power Outage Backup System

Consulting our team of experts and getting a FREE site survey will ensure that you receive sound advice from a company who have operated in the world of power solutions for over 30 years. We will take the time to review your facility and setup, as well as answering any questions you may have.

We have helped clients across an abundance of sectors, from retail giants to data centres, providing them with solutions that protect their businesses and properties from power outages. At Shenton Group, we will help you find the correct solution for your requirements. Below we have covered the various solutions on offer.

Shenton Power Solutions

Emergency Call Out Power Solutions

An onsite permanent generator is not always the best solution for businesses where constant power is non-essential. If an outage would cause some level of disruption but nothing critical, there is no need to spend money on a permanent backup system.

The solution recommended for this type of client would be Power Call.

Power Call is a unique emergency generator callout service which has an average response time of just 100 minutes where ever you are based in the UK, Power Call does not prevent power loss, but for a small monthly fee, you will have total round-the-clock support with unlimited emergency call outs for power cuts. This means you have access to reliable back-up power when you need it most.

We appreciate keeping costs down is essential for smaller businesses and facilities such as care homes, and so an on-demand service with 24-hour, 365 days a year cover provides your business with an effective power security solution. 

The next steps for a business where a short power outage is manageable would be to speak to a Shenton Group technical expert. If an average response time of just 100 minutes and unlimited emergency call outs sounds appealing to you, Power Call is the solution you are looking for! Get in contact today for more information or read what our clients think of the service:

Backup Power Solutions – Power Back in Seconds

For businesses that can only accommodate a handful of seconds’ drop in power, such as retail locations, an on-site backup generator is more suitable. While a generator starts up to take the full electrical load, there will be a brief gap when there is no access to power, but things are soon up and running as normal.

We can offer expert technical advice to ensure that you are provided with a generator that will keep commercial properties functioning. Retail, sport and leisure complexes rely on continuous power to ensure that their locations remain operational and so in the event of a mains failure, a backup power supply will kick into life in a matter of seconds to keep tills ringing and customers happy.

For a business that requires a backup power solution with a quick reconnection to a power supply, the next steps would involve a FREE site survey to understand your requirements. We offer a full backup generator service to help alleviate the worries of power outages, including an initial site survey, the design and manufacture of your generator, as well as the install, testing and future maintenance of it.

Backup Power Generator On Site

UPS Systems for Critical Power Supplies – Continuous Power

For some businesses, there can never be a drop in power. An outage is simply not an option.

As industry-leading technical experts, we pride ourselves on working with clients who cannot afford to be hit by any form of power outage, which is why we offer uninterruptible power supply solutions, perfect for businesses and facilities where power is critical.

Without a UPS, there is a delay while the backup generator starts in an incident of power outage. In some scenarios this would be a disaster, such as in data centres, hospitals and military locations. A UPS system bridges the gap, preventing a loss of power while the generator starts up to provide a sufficient power supply to your property and equipment.

Customers who need a UPS should get in touch and speak to our expert consultants about our solutions. We can then get to work safeguarding your critical power supply and ensure you power security is handled professionally.

Speak to the Experts

If you are interested in putting the correct steps in place to protect yourself from blackouts, surges and fluctuations, get in touch today.

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