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A spate of power cuts throughout the country this month poses the question “Are National Grid reserve power levels Improving or getting worse?”.

On 31st July, what has been referred to as a massive power cut caused power outages affecting most of Glasgow city centre, including homes and businesses.

pexels-photo-256307A power cut in Baldock and Letchworth on August 1st plunged some 626 properties into darkness.

August 2nd saw 100 homes in Walmley, Sutton Coldfield suffering from a power cut.

Macclesfield businesses were left without electricity after 223 businesses premises endured a power cut on 3rd August. The 3rd August also saw 60 homes in Gloucestershire go without electricity.

On August 4th, a Lichfield power cut left 1200 homes without electricity.

The list continues and of course, occasional power cuts, brownouts and blackouts are perfectly normal and to be expected. However, if your organisation’s services and in particular, life-safety systems, rely on a reliable and continuous supply of power, then perhaps you should be putting backup and standby power planning into effect now.

Whether your organisation can justify it’s own permanent standby generators apower-call-banner-810x300nd uninterruptible power supplies or not, shentongroup has a continuous power solution to suit all businesses and properties, including Power Call, our ‘power within the hour’ emergency generator service. Power Call guarantees that your power will be back online within just three hours, with our fastest call-out to date timed at just 23 minutes.

To speak to a member of the UK’s Leading Technical Experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems, click here now.

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