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Although it’s still only summer, power outages are a common occurrence all year, not only in winter when power demand is at it’s highest, taking reserves down to critical levels. If you live in or around Peterborough, then you’ll more than likely have heard about how more than 500 residents in Hampton and Yaxley reported power outages on Wednesday 22 July.

pex_powerlines10Some residents had their power restored fairly quickly, but others were still without power some hours later. According to UK Power Networks, engineers were working on a fault surrounding an underground cable. Power outages are an inconvenience at the best of times, but in areas where there are a number of businesses, power outages can cost serious money, inconvenience and damaged reputation, as well as putting lives at risk in more extreme situations.

We’ve mentioned already that this winter it is widely believed that the UK will suffer significantly lower power reserves, resulting in widespread blackouts, but of course, this problem doesn’t have to interfere with the day to day running of your business if you plan your backup power now. shentongroup provides organisations across the UK with standby power, uninterruptible power supplies and with combined heat and power systems. If you want to make sure that you control your company’s power supplies this winter and not the National Grid, get in touch with shentongroup now!

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