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shentongroup is absolutely committed to supporting good causes throughout the year. As well as being a responsible employer, charitable giving is ingrained in shentongroup’s ethos and values and every quarter we choose a charity to assist through the raising of funds and awareness, providing support wherever possible. Jo’s cervical cancer trust, AMMF The Cholangiocarcinoma Trust, Make A Wish and Parkinson’s UK are just some of 2018’s highlights: superb causes that we’ve featured on our website, email signatures and raised funds for.

Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at 17.10.34Last quarter, shentongroup helped to promote the outstanding work of St. Richard’s Hospice, in particular, an expansion and redevelopment project called Build 2020 that requires a final £1.4m raising. With areas of the hospice currently ‘bursting at the seams’, in the next five years alone, St. Richard’s Hospice expects that some 4,000 people will turn to it for care and specialist support.

The charity sent us this warming message for our efforts last month: “Thank you so very much for the donation to our Build 2020 Appeal from your quarterly fundraising. We truly appreciate this generous gift and thank everyone for their efforts and for your colleagues for nominating us.” If you’d like to help this remarkable charity to expand its facilities so that is can assist even more patients and their families into the future, please visit this link.

mha_bannerThis quarter, shentongroup’s chosen charity is the Hampshire Live at Home arm of Methodist Homes for the Aged, a charity that aims to reduce the isolation and loneliness experienced by many older people across the country. It does this through schemes including befriending services, exercise clubs, social clubs, day trips and holidays. A challenge for many of us as we age, isolation can affect us, not only physically, but also at a deeper emotional and spiritual level. Because of this, Hampshire Live at Home’s key ambition is for every older person to be connected within a caring community so that they can continue to live fulfilled, independent lives.

With 12 schemes throughout the Hampshire and Surrey region, you can help by volunteering as a well-being assistant, a ‘befriender’, an exercise assistant or a driver. If planning is more your forté, then why not consider fundraising and helping out at some of the charity’s numerous events? For more information on Hampshire and Surrey Live at Home, visit www.mha.org.uk.

A list of the causes shentongroup has helped can be found here and if you know of an organisation that you feel would benefit from our help, then click here to speak to a member of the UK’s leading technical experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems.

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