24/7 Emergency Call-Out: 01264 349349

Last but not least… December’s colleague of the month has been chosen because she is always happy, chatty and super helpful. Well done Cloe for winning colleague of the month for the second time in 2019!

Cloe has been with the CHP Department at Shenton Group for four years and spends her day dealing with customer call-outs, working with our engineers, CHP resetting, preparing service reports and invoicing but never knows what her day will bring! “I enjoy all aspects of my job. With our call outs, you can never predict what is going to happen, so it certainly keeps me on my toes!”

We asked Cloe how she finds working at Shenton Group: 

“Shenton Group has a real family feel, and It’s so much more friendly in comparison to anywhere I have previously worked. Everyone is so approachable whatever their role is within the company. Other places I have worked made me feel uneasy to speak to managers and especially directors, such a contrast to being here. It’s so much nicer coming into work every day and working for a company that wants its employees to be involved.”

Cloe has an infectious laugh, beaming smile and you know that if you ask her to help or do anything, she’ll be more than happy to help. Thankyou Cloe for all your hard work and efforts and enjoy the vouchers, bubbly and NO1 parking spot all of January. Keep up the excellent work!

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