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There’s an ‘Arctic plunge’ about to the grip the UK according to most popular press, and it’s something that will spell minus 5 degree temperatures across many parts of the country. It’s thanks to storm Barney which brought 85mph winds to the North, and something that, surprisingly, was not welcomed by the nation’s wind farms.

pex windWith more and more wind turbines being commissioned throughout the UK, dozens sit off the coasts of Scotland, but as Barney made it’s way through to Scandinavia, many of these wind turbines were forced to shut down. When winds exceed 65mph, most wind turbines are taken offline for safety reasons and this was certainly the case for many this week. However, most are now back online as wind levels continue to drop.

London Underground was one organisation directly disrupted by the affects of Barney, not to mention those who rely on tube transport The already depleted National Grid reserve power levels dropped so low throughout London that on Wednesday it had a serious affect on the whole underground system. A serious failure on the National Grid supply in the South London area shut down many London Underground routes, as well as affecting some of the organisation’s buildings.

pexels-photo-157827Are you a London-based organisation? Was your business and it’s power supply affected by Barney? Are you concerned about your power supplies as we approach a cold winter with lower than ever National Grid power reserves? Well there’s a solution for all sizes of organisation to ensure that continuous power supplies are maintained.  To learn more about uninterruptible power supplies, speak to a member of the shentongroup team now (click here)!

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