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With the increasing need for businesses and organisations to reduce their carbon footprints, there has been ever more focus on Cogeneration or combined heat and power technology (CHP).

What is Cogeneration?

Cogeneration (also Known as Combined Heat & Power – CHP) is the process of electrical power generation that captures the by-product (Heat) which is used to produce hot water. By generating power and thermal energy simultaneously, Cogeneration can reduce carbon emissions as much as 30% in comparison to conventional generation via a boiler and electricity purchased directly from the national grid. This method of localised energy generation has become more and more common across the globe.

Hospitals, Universities, Farming & Agriculture, Food & drink manufacture, Industrial and Hospitality & Leisure are just some of the industries that are going green and benefiting from carbon and energy bill reductions.

What is World Cogeneration Day?

World Cogeneration Day, 4th of September 2020 celebrates the efforts of those in the Combined Heat and Power sector helping to deliver these outstanding solutions. COVID-19 has put a massive strain on the global economy. It has proved challenging and more important than ever to keep the lights on and businesses functioning. Shenton Group acknowledges the individuals who have been out supporting businesses in this difficult time where most have been shielding. We thank you in your efforts and dedication.

Curtis Meek Sales & Marketing Director Shenton Group notes:

“We have a commitment to our clients, to provide reliable CHP solutions that are best fit for their needs, that provide optimal energy efficiency and the best ROI. Our team have continued to provide these critical services, ensuring power reliability and security.”

Are you interested to see what Cogeneration projects we have been working on? Get in touch or view our case studies on our website. 

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