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How important is power continuity to your business? Chances are it’s extremely important for the day to day running of most organisations and for some, vital for the integrity of data, security or property and people, and for even the support of lives.
pexels-photo-157827A free whitepaper from shentongroup entitled “How important is power continuity to your business?” helps organisations to understand the individual types of standby power and to better gauge which is most suitable for them.

Take continuous power away from your business and you have a severe problem, as did scores of organisations around the North of England and Scotland when violent weather struck in the form of Storm Desmond. Compacting the risks to businesses is the National Grid’s poorly synchronised replacement of aged coal power stations and nuclear plants with greener wind, solar, gas and biofuel electricity plants. This week for instance, the Wyfla nuclear power station is retired with the National Grid issuing assuring statements that it will cope with the loss of electricity. It’s emergency measures are already causing alarm, with spare power capacity plummeting to just over the one per cent mark this winter.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetshentongroup’s easy to follow guide looks at why you need to think about power continuity, what the impact of power failure could mean to your organisation, the major threats to power supply, the types of power failures and dealing with them. It also looks at whether a permanently installed backup generator system or an emergency generator call out service would suit your organisation more.

This whitepaper, along with other whitepapers, case studies and data sheets form shentongroup’s rich pool of educational and informative resources. Should there be any information that you’re seeking that can’t be found on the site, click here to get in touch with a member of shentongroup team now!

Download “How important is power continuity to your business?” here.

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