
Like all other entities that form the UK’s vast and efficient emergency services, fire and rescue departments must have a reliable and robust continuous power supply in place.  Humberside Fire and Rescue enlisted the support of shentongroup to service generators at seven of its fire stations.  This also included the servicing of the Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) Panel, fuel system, acoustic canopy and exhaust system, ensuring optimum performance of the generators, equating to more reliable backup power and an emergency department with no breaks in service.

The Problem

Without continuous power supplies, fire and rescue services are virtually offline, and with so much resting on service continuity, including human life, backup power provisions have to be in pristine working condition at all times.

Mains power supplies are likely to be unpredictable for some time, as the National Grid decommissions its aged coal power stations faster than it can bring their greener replacements into operation.  As well as increasingly unpredictable weather, a number of sources indicate that reserve power levels will not increase significantly for some time, further reinforcing a need for scores of organisations to manage their own continuous power supplies.  The emergency services certainly fall within this remit.

Serving the wider Humberside area, Humberside Fire and Rescue Department required a service that supported generators throughout 7 of its fire stations.


Successfully fending off strong competition, shentongroup’s Service and Maintenance Division won the contract to maintain and service the 7 generators.  The bespoke contract includes two services per year, along with load bank testing included with the major service.

shentongroup Managing Director, Jody Meek commented: “shentongroup fully understands how standby generators are absolutely essential in supporting the infrastructure of any fire station by providing back up power in the event of a power outage”.  shentongroup’s servicing of the standby generators will also include the Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) panel, fuel system, acoustic canopy and exhaust system.

To further improve generator performance, Load Bank testing is included as part of the major service.  shentongroup’s Jody Meek said: “This will, not only improve the integrity of the generator and alternator, but also the entire electrical infrastructure including cabling, switchgear, fuses and UPS.   Testing is recommended once a year as part of a major service with shentongroup providing results either as written reports or in electronic format”.

When the Load Bank is used to test a standby generator, the artificial load it provides tests the whole system to its maximum capacity and confirms the engine’s ability to provide the required power output over an extended period of time.  The engine also benefits, as this type of testing removes the build up of any carbon deposits from the pistons and exhaust systems.  The alternator and control system are also checked and the voltage and frequency are monitored and recorded to check the output is within specification.  “Because of this, the generators will be in a pristine state, providing optimum backup power performance when needed”, added Jody Meek.

Derek Barry, shentongroup’s Technical Director, elaborates on the benefits of Load Bank testing: “Businesses that have critical power needs, such as fire stations, hospitals, financial institutions, computer data centres, and manufacturing plants, all benefit greatly from Load Bank Testing in order to verify the quality and reliability of their standby power systems at varying levels of load and time”.  Derek continued: “Using a Load Bank allows a standby power system to be tested under various simulated load conditions to verify its overall reliability and ability to perform in an emergency power situation.  It identifies potential weaknesses under controlled conditions, thereby ensuring all of the components within a system will work together and perform as intended when called upon to support a critical load”.


Humberside Fire and Rescue now know that their generator set and AMF Panels are maintained to the highest possible industry standards.

As part of the ongoing service and maintenance contract, all types and sizes of diesel standby generators are incorporated into the agreement.The organisation also has the added assurance that shentongroup’s nationwide service team is on hand to provide emergency 24/7 cover and a 4-hour response to a comprehensive contract that includes; refuelling and remote monitoring.

About shentongroup

shentongroup is the UK’s leading technical expert in standby power, uninterruptible power supplies, and combined heat and power supplies. The company provides power solutions to organisations spanning a broad array of industries that rely on continuous power supplies and includes; education, finance, telecoms, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, IT, government, utilities, and sport and leisure.

shentongroup’s Power Care continuous power supply maintenance contracts guarantee peak generator and Uninterruptible Power Supply performance.  With strategically placed depots throughout the United Kingdom, shentongroup’s network of technical engineers and support staff respond to clients usually within 4 hours, delivering some of the highest standards of uninterruptible power supplies and power generator servicing.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems, complete with Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) Panels, also referred to as Automatic Transfer (ATS) Boards, monitor the incoming AC mains supply. With no break in power, the UPS activates the standby power supply when mains power fails.  When the mains supply returns, the AMF Panel controls a return to the mains supply.

The company’s Load Bank Testing service ensures that customers’ standby power solution can handle the job.  It makes sure that, in the event of a power outage, the backup generators do not fail in any way.  shentongroup’s load banking services include; Site survey, Delivery and positioning of the load bank; Site logistics – incl. road closures, crane movements etc; Testing of the generator/power source; Disconnection and removal of the load bank; Reconnection to the normal load; Detailed results with a full written report.

To understand what the best emergency power solution for your business is, download shentongroup’s whitepaper – How important is power continuity to your business?

About Humberside Fire and Rescue Department
Humberside Fire and Rescue Department provides a full-time fire cover service from it’s central headquarters in Hessle.  Mobilising a fleet of 57 fire engines from 30 fire stations across the service area, the organisation’s services cover; road traffic collisions, water rescues, rail and air crashes, animal rescues, chemical spills and even terrorist attacks.

Download a pdf version of this case study here.

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