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Your free guide to specifying CHP systems.

With rising energy prices, finding ways to reduce the cost and increase efficiency of supplies for thermal and electrical demands, is more important than ever.

A Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system can make significant improvements in both operational efficiencies and cost saving.

The classic mistake in specification is an assumption that the primary function of a CHP is to deliver electricity. A CHP system is basically a hot water machine with electricity as an additional benefit… and given rising energy prices, this benefit can be substantial.

To help understand these benefits in more detail, this shentongroup white paper will help to guide you through the following areas in the suitability, and benefits of Combined Heat and Power systems…

  • The guide covers the following topics
  • What is CHP?
  • What are the benefits of CHP versus other renewable energy sources?
  • Where CHP systems should be specified
  • What are the drivers for CHP specification?
  • Example project with feasibility study
  • Summary

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